30. Jul, 2021.

Contracts for the allocation of construction materials packages in Sombor

In Sombor, 40 refugee families from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia received contracts for the delivery of construction materials under the Regional Housing Program.

The value of an individual package of building materials is up to 9,000 euros.

"We have provided housing for a large number of beneficiary families in Sombor, and we will continue to do so with the aim of providing permanent housing for all the most vulnerable refugee families. Dear users, the building materials that we allocate will help you complete your homes and make them more beautiful and safer to live in," said the head of the office of the director of the Public Sector Projects Implementation Unit, Jovan Lazarov.

The Regional Housing Programme is a joint multi-year programme of the Republic of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Croatia. It is implemented with the support of the OSCE, UNHCR and the Council of Europe Development Bank, and is financed by the European Union, which is also the largest donor, the United States, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Italy, Denmark, Turkey, Luxembourg, Spain, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia.