22. Apr, 2021.

Refugee families awarded contracts for the purchase of 15 rural houses

In Indjija, contracts for the purchase of 15 rural houses with gardens were ceremoniously handed over to refugee families from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. The houses are awarded as part of the ninth sub-project of the Regional Housing Program.

"Today, we are handing over 15 contracts for the purchase of rural houses in the territory of the municipality of Indjija, and thus we will permanently provide 15 refugee families who have found refuge here after the war-affected areas. Solving the housing issue of the most vulnerable refugee families is a priority for all participants in this Program," said Jovan Lazarov, Head of the Office of the Director of the Public Sector Projects Implementation Unit Ltd. Belgrade.

The Regional Housing Programme is a joint multi-year programme of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Croatia, which aims to provide durable housing solutions for the most vulnerable refugee families in the region.

It is implemented with the support of the OSCE, UNHCR and the Council of Europe Development Bank, and is financed by the European Union, which is also the largest donor, the United States, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Italy, Denmark, Turkey, Luxembourg, Spain, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia.