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23. Aug, 2023.

A new home for 250 refugee families in Ovča

A great day for 250 refugee families from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, who received the keys to their apartments in Ovča.

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The keys to the apartments for 60 families were handed over to Loznica

Sixty refugee families residing in the territory of Loznica received the keys to their new apartments. The apartments were built within the fifth sub-project of the Regional Housing Program in the Republic of Serbia and are intended for rent and purchase as well as for social housing in protected conditions.

20 more apartments for refugee families in Kruševac

The keys to 20 apartments intended for refugee families from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia were handed over today in Kruševac.

Contracts for the purchase of 15 rural houses were handed over to refugee families from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia in Pančevo

Fifteen beneficiary families have been awarded contracts for the purchase of rural houses in Pančevo, as part of the Regional Housing Program. A new life is beginning for all of them today, because after more than two decades of living under someone else's roof, they will finally move into their homes.

Irig : Contracts awarded for the purchase of country houses

As of today, fifteen refugee families from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia will start a new life, with digestion in the territory of the Municipality of Irig. The beneficiaries were awarded contracts for the purchase of rural houses within the ninth sub-project of the Regional Housing Program, and thus their housing issue was permanently resolved.

Refugee families awarded contracts for the purchase of 15 rural houses

In Indjija, contracts for the purchase of 15 rural houses with gardens were ceremoniously handed over to refugee families from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. The houses are awarded as part of the ninth sub-project of the Regional Housing Program.

Reconstruction of the Fifth School of Economics in Rakovica completed

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development Branko Ružić opened the reconstructed and upgraded Fifth School of Economics in Rakovica. The event was attended by the President of the Assembly of the City of Belgrade, Nikola Nikodijević, the City Secretary for Education and Child Protection, Slavko Gak, the Director of the Public Sector Projects Implementation Unit Ltd. Belgrade, Dušan Kovačević, and the Director of the School, Milan Kecman.

New Home: Housing Issue for 16 more refugee families resolved in Kikinda

Sixteen refugee families have been given new apartments in Kikinda, and thus their housing issue has been permanently resolved. The apartments that are intended for rent and purchase are part of the fifth sub-project of the Regional Housing Program.

A contract has been signed for the construction of 36 apartments in Pancevo

The contract for the construction of 36 residential units in Pančevo was signed by the Acting General Menager of the Public Sector Projects Implementation Unit Ltd. Belgrade, Dušan Kovačević and Vukajlo Babić on behalf of the Group of Bidders Inobačka d.o.o. Novi Sad and "NS Inženjering" d.o.o. Novi Sad.

Обилазак радова на изградњи 152 стана у Футогу

У Футогу је у оквиру осмог потпројекта Регионалног стамбеног програма у току изградња комплекса седам објеката са укупно 152 стана, који су намењени избегличким породицама из Босне и Херцеговине и Хрватске. Локацију на којој се радови приводе крају обишли су данас гувернер Банке за развој Савета Европе Ролф Венцел, градоначелник Новог Сада Милош Вучевић, шеф…

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