Tenderi po projektu
Систем за централизовану набавку потрошног материјала
IOP/13-2015/C/09 - Nabavka laboratorijskog potrošnog materijala za potrebe naučno istraživačkih organizacija
Претходни расписи
DOCIzmena br.1 - 47KB DOCIzmena br.2 - 47KB PDFIzmena pojašnjenja br.1 - 364KB DOCIzmena br. 3 - 46KB PDFIzmena br. 4 - 138KB PDFIzmena br. 5 - 139KB PDFIzmena br. 6 - 138KB PDFIzmena br. 7 - 138KB PDFIzmena br.8 - 92KB
Јавни позиви
DOCTenderska dokumentacija - IOP/13-2015/C/09 - 718KB DOCJavni poziv za podnošenje ponuda IOP13-2015C9 - 21KB DOCObaveštenje o produženju roka za podnošenje ponuda - 13KB PDFIzmena Obaveštenja o produženju roka za podnošenje ponuda br.2 - 249KB
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XLSLot 403- Abbot - 14KB XLSLot 404 - Ace Automatic Control - 14KB XLSLot 405 -Abet - 13KB XLSLot 406 -Acoem - 14KB XLSLot 407 -ACS Material - 13KB XLSLot 408 -Active Motif - 14KB XLSLot 411 -Altechna - 13KB XLSLot 412 -Amel Electrochemistry - 13KB XLSLot 413 -Ametek - 13KB XLSLot 414 -Amtast Standard - 14KB XLSLot 415 -ANDalyze - 13KB XLSLot 416 -Andover - 13KB XLSLot 417 -ATCC Cell Biology - 18KB XLSLot 418 -Audiološka oprema - 13KB XLSLot 419 -Autoklav za HT sintezu - 11KB XLSLot 420 -Avantes - 14KB XLSLot 421 -Aviva Standard - 16KB XLSLot 422-Battery analyzer - 13KB XLSLot 423 -Dvoosni obrtni sto i obradni motor - 13KB XLSLot 425 -Opticke komponente - 11KB XLSLot 426 -Termostatsko kupatilo za rast kristala-kristalizator - 13KB XLSLot 427 - Biologic - 16KB XLSLot 428 - Bioseb - 10KB XLSLot 429 - Biosupplies Australia - 11KB XLSLot 430 - Brookfield - 11KB XLSLot 431 - Buxco Research - 10KB XLSLot 432 - BuzzMac - 11KB XLSLot 434 - Canberra Pakard - 13KB XLSLot 435 - Cascade Micotech - 13KB XLSLot 436 - Casella - 15KB XLSLot 437 - Celer - Elisa - 11KB XLSLot 438 - Cell Signaling Standard - 20KB XLSLot 439 - CERNEX - 13KB XLSLot 440 - Cheiron - 10KB XLSLot 441 - Chemyx Standard - 14KB XLSLot 442 -Citac mikrotitracionih ploca - 10KB XLSLot 446 - Protokomeri - 10KB XLSLot 447 -Servo pojacavac - 13KB XLSLot 448 - Brahms - 14KB XLSLot 449 -Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone - 10KB XLSLot 450 - CuFlon - 11KB XLSLot 451 - DENVILLE Scientific - 14KB XLSLot 452 -Detektor radona - 13KB XLSLot 453 -Delsys - 14KB XLSLot 454 -Didaktička sredstva - 14KB XLSLot 455 -Difuzioni vakuum sistem - 10KB XLSLot 456 -Dunkermotoren - 14KB XLSLot 457 -DV Creator - 10KB XLSLot 458 -Dylos - 14KB XLSLot 459 -eBioscience Standard - 18KB XLSLot 460 -Edwards standard - 14KB XLSLot 461 - EEG oprema - 15KB XLSLot 462 - EEG pojačivač i prateća oprema - 13KB XLSLot 463 - Elektronske komponente - 23KB XLSLot 464 - Elektrotehničke komponente - 35KB XLSLot 465 - Elabscience -NOS Elisa kitovi - 19KB XLSLot 467 - Elektrotehničke komponente III - 53KB XLSLot 468 - Elettrofor - 14KB XLSLot 469 - Elliot Scientific standard - 13KB XLSLot 470 - Merac protoka - 13KB XLSLot 471 - Senzori za merenje potresa i pripadajući pribor - 14KB XLSLot 472 - Uredjaj za merenje gustine kostiju - 13KB XLSLot 474 - Aparati za fiziolosko ispitivanje u medicini sporta - 13KB XLSLot 475 - Area-Velocity Flow Meter - 13KB XLSLot 476 - Elektrotehničke komponente IV - 49KB XLSLot 477 - ENDO Pat standard - 13KB XLSLot 478 - Environmental Devices - 13KB XLSLot 479 - ETher NDE - 13KB XLSLot 480 - Excelitas - 13KB XLSLot 481 - Faulhaber - 13KB XLSLot 482 - FESTO - 14KB XLSLot 483 - Extrasynthese - 24KB XLSLot 484 - FHR centrotherm - 14KB XLSLot 485 - Fuel Cell Store - 19KB XLSLot 486 - Gaskatel - 14KB XLSLot 487 - Gazepoint - 13KB XLSLot 488 - GE Healthcare Dharmacon - 13KB XLSLot 489 - Geodetska totalna stanica - 13KB XLSLot 490 - Pneumatika - 14KB XLSLot 491 - Senzori i prateća oprema - 11KB XLSLot 492 - Sistem za precizno pozicioniranje solarnih kolektora - 14KB XLSLot 493 - Sistemi za uzorkovanje aerosola - 13KB XLSLot 494 - Apsorberi mikrotalasnog zračenja - 14KB XLSLot 495 - Gigahertz-Optik - 14KB XLSLot 496 - Goodfellow - 14KB XLSLot 497 - Group 3 Technology - 13KB XLSLot 498 - Haglof Standard - 14KB XLSLot 499 - Hansatech instruments standard - 14KB XLSLot 500 - Harmonic Drive - 14KB XLSLot 501 - Hematološki analizator - 10KB XLSLot 502 - Eppendorf - 12KB XLSLot 503 - Hidraulična presa - 11KB XLSLot 504 - Hidraulični cilindri i prateća oprema - 12KB XLSLot 505 - Hioki - 19KB XLSLot 506 - HOLOEYE Photonics standard - 13KB XLSLot 507 - Hranilice - 13KB XLSLot 508 - Hysitron - 13KB XLSLot 509 - ICL International CL Standard - 14KB XLSLot 510 - Implanti - 13KB XLSLot 512 - INEP - 13KB XLSLot 513 - Inkubatori - 11KB XLSLot 514 - Ionicon Analytik - 13KB XLSLot 515 - Ismate - 15KB XLSLot 516 - Kompresor i dodatna oprema - 11KB XLSLot 517 - IoLiTec Ionic Liquids - 19KB XLSLot 518 - Oriel Standard - 13KB XLSLot 519 - Macherey Nagel - 13KB XLSLot 520 - Mercodia - 13KB XLSLot 521 - Merna folija - 11KB XLSLot 522 - Merna oprema - 20KB XLSLot 523 - Metali - 17KB XLSLot 524 - Metrohm - 16KB XLSLot 525 - Onset - 14KB XLSLot 526 - Oprema za osmatranje - 13KB XLSLot 527 - Oprema za posmatranje laboratorijskih zivotinja - 14KB XLSLot 528 - Oprema za proizvodnju jogurta - 12KB XLSLot 529 - Oprema za proizvodnju sira - 11KB XLSLot 530 - OT Bioelecttronica - 13KB XLSLot 531 - Parr - 19KB XLSLot 532- PCE Instruments - 20KB XLSLot 533 - Pelet C Mašine - 10KB XLSLot 535 - Pfeuffer - 10KB XLSLot 536 - Phenom-World BV - 11KB XLSLot 537 - Philips Respironics - 20KB XLSLot 538 - Poligraf - 13KB XLSLot 539 - Poljoprivreda-đubrivo - 16KB XLSLot 540 - Porometri - 14KB XLSLot 541 - Pragma Industries - 11KB XLSLot 542 - Princeton Applied Research - 12KB XLSLot 543 - Radio talasni noz - 10KB XLSLot 544 - Response pad and stimulii presentation - 16KB XLSLot 545 - Sartorius - 21KB XLSLot 546 - Science Product - 15KB XLSLot 547 - Senzori pritiska - 11KB XLSLot 549 - SlUl - 11KB XLSLot 550 - Small laboratory instruments - 51KB XLSLot 551 - Southern Scientific Ltd - 10KB XLSLot 552- Stanford Research Systems - 11KB XLSLot 553 - Stomatološka oprema - 18KB XLSLot 554 - Swagelok - 15KB XLSLot 555 - Swiss concept sciences - 11KB XLSLot 556 - Tenziometrijska platforma - 13KB XLSLot 557 - Test oprema - 11KB XLSLot 558 - Testiranje materijala - 17KB XLSLot 559 - Texas Instruments - 22KB XLSLot 560 - Thermo Scientific - 15KB XLSLot 561 -Tobii - 10KB XLSLot 562 -Tube i posude - 11KB XLSLot 565 -Vakuum pumpa - 11KB XLSLot 566 -Vakuum susnica - 10KB XLSLot 569 -Zastitna oprema I potrosni materijal - 23KB XLSLot 570 -Zavarivačka oprema - 17KB XLSLot 571 - Zorka - 30KB XLSLot 572 - Merne celije - 14KB XLSLot 574- National Physical Lab Standard - 13KB XLSLot 575 - Oprema za automobile - 11KB XLSLot 576 - Oprema za motoricko merenje - 10KB XLSLot 577 - Plemeniti metali - 14KB XLSLot 578 - Roithner Lasertechnik - 16KB XLSLot 579 - RS Components - 18KB XLSLot 580 - Spectrum Technologies - 14KB XLSLot 583 - TRISKEM - 11KB XLSLot 584 - Turn Key Project - 10KB XLSLot 586 - UCT - 13KB XLSLot 589 - Yokogawa - 11KB XLSLot 590 - ETher NDE - 13KB XLSLot 591 - Oroboros - 13KB XLSLot 594 -Infrared kamera - 10KB XLSLot 595 -CEM - 14KB XLSLot 596 -Envisiontec - 13KB XLSLot 597 -Frekventni regulatori i transmiteri pritiska - 15KB XLSLot 598 -GPS i radni stolovi - simulatori za studente - 14KB XLSLot 599 -IML Instrumenta Mechanik Labor Systems - 14KB XLSLot 600 -INA Schaeffler - 13KB XLSLot 601 -Inovative Photonics Solutions Standard - 13KB XLSLot 602 -INSTEC - 14KB XLSLot 604 -IntraAction Corp - 13KB XLSLot 605 - Iseg Standard - 13KB XLSLot 606 - IsoStark - 13KB XLSLot 607 - ISOVER Timber Construction - 10KB XLSLot 608 - John Caunt Scientific - 13KB XLSLot 609 - KANOMAX - 13KB XLSLot 610 - Kinematica - 13KB XLSLot 611 - Kistler - 13KB XLSLot 612 - Komora za rast biljaka - 13KB XLSLot 613 - Komplet za vizuelnu kontrolu - 13KB XLSLot 614 - Koncentrat za piliće - 13KB XLSLot 615 - Lady Bug Power Sensor - 13KB XLSLot 616 - Lafayette Instrument - 14KB XLSLot 617 - Laurell Technologies - 14KB XLSLot 618 - Liberty Test Equipment - 13KB XLSLot 619 - Kation Europe Bt - 13KB XLSLot 620 - Linari Engeneering - 14KB XLSLot 621 - Linkam Scientific - 13KB XLSLot 622 - Logos Biosystems - 13KB XLSLot 623 - Odvojni transformator - 13KB XLSLot 624 -Maquet - 10KB XLSLot 625 -Mašinski elementi - 14KB XLSLot 626 -MaTecK - 14KB XLSLot 627 -Maxeler - 13KB XLSLot 628 -McPherson - 13KB XLSLot 629 -Mengel Engineering - 13KB XLSLot 630 -Metkon Instruments - 13KB XLSLot 631 -Metrolux optische Messtechnik - 13KB XLSLot 632 - MicroChemicals - 13KB XLSLot 633 - Microresist technology - 13KB XLSLot 634 - Midwest Scientific - 13KB XLSLot 635 - Mini Circuits - 13KB XLSLot 636 - MISUMI Europa - 13KB XLSLot 637 - MKS Instruments.xlsx - 13KB XLSLot 638 - MOFLON TECHNOLOGY - 13KB XLSLot 639 - Monitor zračenja - 13KB XLSLot 640 - Nanopartz - 13KB XLSLot 641 - Novus Biologicals - 14KB XLSLot 642 - NuVant System - 13KB XLSLot 643 - Oegussa - 10KB XLSLot 644 - VM Senzori - 14KB XLSLot 645 - Witeg - 11KB XLSLot 647 - Double Syringe Pump - 11KB XLSLot 648 - Elektronika II - 15KB XLSLot 649 - Elektronska vaga - 10KB XLSLot 650 - Hidroturbina - 11KB XLSLot 651 - Kanali za vazduh - 11KB XLSLot 652 - Kavezi - 11KB XLSLot 653 - Omniinstruments - 10KB XLSLot 654 - Ondax - 10KB XLSLot 655 - Ortec - 13KB XLSLot 657 - Palm Sens BV - 10KB XLSLot 658 - Patho-service - 11KB XLSLot 659 - Piezotech S.A.S - 11KB XLSLot 660 - Point Grey Research GmbH - 11KB XLSLot 661 - ProTec Bioseparation - 11KB XLSLot 662 - PYRO CONTROLE - 10KB XLSLot 663 - Rockwell indenter - 13KB XLSLot 664 - SBIG Astronomical - 11KB XLSLot 665 - SENIS - 11KB XLSLot 666 - Siemens Healthcare - 13KB XLSLot 667 - SI Scientific Instruments - 14KB XLSLot 668 - Sierzega Elektronik - 10KB XLSLot 669 - Sistem za merenje mišićne sile - 13KB XLSLot 671 - SMT medical - 11KB XLSLot 672 - Soilmoisture Equipment - 10KB XLSLot 673 - Solmetric Corporation - 10KB XLSLot 674 - SONOTEC - 11KB XLSLot 675 - Steam Generator - 13KB XLSLot 676 - StellarNet Inc - 10KB XLSLot 677 - Sunrise Instruments - 11KB XLSLot 678 - SYMPULS - 10KB XLSLot 679 - Tecnalia - 10KB XLSLot 681 - TESA - 11KB XLSLot 682 - Test oprema Qness - 13KB XLSLot 683 - ThingMagic - 10KB XLSLot 684 - Tinius Olsen - 13KB XLSLot 685 - TopElcoDis - 11KB XLSLot 686 - Transtecno - 10KB XLSLot 687 - Tripette&Renaud - 12KB XLSLot 688 - Uredjaji za uzorkovanje I mlevenje sa pratećom opremom - 14KB XLSLot 689 - VACOM Vakuum - 11KB XLSLot 690 - Ved x-ray - 10KB XLSLot 424 - Merni uredaji i kalibratori - 13KB XLSLot 603 - Interscience - 13KB XLSLot 656 - PAA The Cell Culture Company - 18KB XLSLot 410 - Poljoprivreda - 13KB XLSLot 564 -Vakum ukuvači i prateća oprema - 15KB XLSLot 443 -Elektricni senzori i sonde za laboratorijske zivotinje - 13KB XLSLot 466 - Elektrotehničke komponente II - 30KB XLSLot 582 - Tridelta Elisa kitovi - 11KB XLSlot 568-Waveform Generator - 14KB XLSLot 573 - Milwaukee - 14KB XLSLot 588 - VICAM - 13KB XLSLot 691- Merenje tvrdoce - 14KB XLSLot 692 - Oprema za 3-D mapiranje objekata - 13KB XLSLot 444 -Laboratorijska presa - 15KB XLSLot 567 - Watson-Marlow - 14KB XLSLot 592 - LLG - 15KB XLSLot 670 - SKF - 14KB XLSLot 534 - PerkinElmer - 14KB XLSLot 548 - Sitna laboratorijska oprema - 16KB XLSLot 581-Life Science Reagents - 20KB
Питања и одговори
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PDFOdluka o dodeli ugovora - 12171KB PDFOdluka o obustavi postupka - 11468KB
Остале информације
PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 14.03. - 1720KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 15.03. - 1465KB