Систем за централизовану набавку потрошног материјала
Lokacija  Укупна процењена вредност пројекта за период од 2011-2015. године, износи 40.000.000 евра, односно 10.000.000 евра на годишњем нивоу, у току четири године. 
Opis objekta  Набавка потрошног материјала треба да обезбеди материјал за потребе научно истраживачке заједнице користећи систем наручивања процеса на основу каталога и каталога бројева. Ова набавка треба да обезбеди научној заједници тражени артикли по повољнијим ценама него код појединачног наручивања, да се обезбеди најкраћи могући рок испоруке.
Планирано је да се тендерска процедура покреће на свака четири месеца. Искључиво ће се користити отворен Међународни тендер.
Period izrade projekta   
Period izgradnje   
IOP/4-2011/C/1 - Javna nabavka potrošnog materijala za potrebe naučnoistraživačkih organizacija

Uputstvo za logovanje putem sigurnosnog protokola i evidenciju isporuke

Više informacija možete pronaći ovde.

PDFUputstvo za logovanje putem sigurnosnog protokola i evidenciju isporuke - 976KB

Odluke o žalbama

DOCObaveštenje o podnetim zahtevima za razjašnjenja - 16KB
FILETabela evaluacije Deo izmene - 10KB
DOCObaveštenje o podnetim zahtevima za polašnjenje 2 - 14KB
FILETabela evaluacije Deo izmene 2 - 9KB

Rezultati završenog tendera

JUP Istraživanje i razvoj doo, Beograd, Nemanjina 22-26, objavljuje izveštaj o evaluaciji ponuda na koji je dobijena saglasnost Evropske investicione banke.
Naručilac će nakon isteka roka za žalbe izabranim ponuđačima uputiti poštom obaveštenje o izboru. Datum prijema obaveštenja predstavljaće datum zaključenja ugovora, odnosno datum početka roka isporuke.

FILELista izabranih ponuđača - 22KB
FILETabela evaluacije - 53KB
PDFIzveštaj o evaluaciji ponuda za IOP-4-2011-C tender br.1 - 1927KB

Naredni tenderi za potrošni materijal planirani su na svaka tri meseca. Prvi sledeći će biti pokrenut sa presekom stanja na dan 31.01.2012. godine.

DOCJavni poziv IOP/4-2011/C/1 - 25KB
DOCTenderska dokumentacija IOP/4-2011/C/1 - 166KB
DOCObaveštenje 1 i 2 - 82KB
DOCIzmena TD v1 - 85KB
DOCDopuna TD 1 - 84KB
DOCPitanja i odgovori 1 - 93KB
DOCPitanja i odgovori 2 - 1295KB
DOCIzmena TD 2 - 89KB
DOCIzmena TD 3 - 89KB
DOCObaveštenje 3 - 80KB
DOCPitanja i odgovori 3 - 1439KB
DOCPitanja i odgovori 4 - 91KB

PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 1 do Lota br 15 - 3777KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 16 do Lota br 30 - 4970KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 31 do Lota br 45 - 5154KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 46 do Lota br 60 - 3598KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 61 do Lota br 75 - 7135KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 76 do Lota br 90 - 5429KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 91 do Lota br 105 - 5872KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 106 do Lota br 120 - 4243KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 121 do Lota br 135 - 5136KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 136 do Lota br 150 - 4764KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 151 do Lota br 170 - 6890KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 171 do Lota br 193 - 9467KB
DOCIzmena TD - 16KB DOCIzmena TD 2 - 81KB DOCIzmena TD 3 - 82KB DOCIzmena TD 4 - 60KB PDFIzveštaj Evaluacija Potrošni-1 - 1688KB DOCJavni_poziv_IOP4-2011-C-1-1 - 24KB XLSLista izabranih ponudjača - 13KB XLSLot205-Agrisera-standard - 15KB XLSLot206-Alpco-standard - 15KB XLSLot207-Berghof-standard - 32KB XLSLot208-Biohemijskireagensizaoblasticine,veterine,stomatologijeIfarmacije - 24KB XLSLot209-Biolab-standard - 17KB XLSLot210-Biooptica-standard - 17KB XLSLot211-Brand-standard - 16KB XLSLot212-Buehler - 16KB XLSLot213-Capp-standard - 17KB XLSLot214-Centrohem-standard - 48KB XLSLot215-ColeParmer-standard - 26KB XLSLot216-Deltalab-standard - 26KB XLSLot217-Deutch&Neumann-standard - 16KB XLSLot218-Dobrazaoblastpoljoprivredeocarstva - 22KB XLSLot219-Draeager - 16KB XLSLot219-Draeager - 15KB XLSLot220-Duchefa-standard - 19KB XLSLot221-Duran-standard - 18KB XLSLot222-EdmundOptics-standard - 19KB XLSLot223-elektrotehnikaI - 16KB XLSLot224-elektrotehnikaII - 17KB XLSLot225-Elunit - 15KB XLSLot226-Eppendorf-standard - 17KB XLSLot227-Euinstruments - 16KB XLSLot228-Euroimunn-standard - 16KB XLSLot229-Experimentaria-standard - 17KB XLSLot230-FermentasLifeScience-standard - 15KB XLSLot231-Galenika - 16KB XLSLot231-Galenika - 16KB XLSLot232-GEHealthcare-standard - 16KB XLSLot233-GeneralElectrics-standard - 16KB XLSLot234-GreinerBio-one-standard - 17KB XLSLot235-HANNAInstruments-standard - 18KB XLSLot236-IDEXXLaboratories,Inc-standard - 16KB XLSLot237-InstitutzarudarstvoimetalurgijuBOR - 15KB XLSLot238-Kimberly-clark-standard - 23KB XLSLot239-Kruuse - 15KB XLSLot240-Kryooprema - 16KB XLSLot241-LABBOXLABWARE-standard - 45KB XLSLot242-laboratorijskaopremaisitanošnimaterijalI - 20KB XLSLot243-laboratorijskaopremaisitanošnimaterijalII - 17KB XLSLot244-laboratorijskehemikalijeI - 17KB XLSLot244-laboratorijskehemikalijeI - 18KB XLSLot245-laboratorijskehemikalijeII - 19KB XLSLot246-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalI-1 - 17KB XLSLot247-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalII - 17KB XLSLot248-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalIII - 20KB XLSLot249-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalIV - 25KB XLSLot250-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalIX - 18KB XLSLot251-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalV - 17KB XLSLot252-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalVI - 17KB XLSLot253-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalVII - 16KB XLSLot254-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalVIII - 17KB XLSLot255-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalX - 16KB XLSLot256-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalXI - 15KB XLSLot257-MerckChemicals&Reagents-standard - 16KB XLSLot258-Mikroorganizmi - 58KB XLSLot258-Mikroorganizmi - 56KB XLSLot259-MossandHemoss-standard - 22KB XLSLot260-MPBiomedicals-standard - 16KB XLSLot261-MTICorporation-standard - 16KB XLSLot262-Nipro-standard - 19KB XLSLot263-Niva-standard - 18KB XLSLot264-Noack - 20KB XLSLot264-Noack - 20KB XLSLot265-Metabion - 17KB XLSLot265-Operon - 17KB XLSLot266-Opremaipotrošnimaterijalzaastmedicine,veterine,stomatologijeifarmacije-1 - 23KB XLSLot267-Ortec - 16KB XLSLot268-PAATheCellCultureCompany-standard - 16KB XLSLot269-PfiefferVacuum-standard - 17KB XLSLot270-Phenomenex-standard - 17KB XLSLot271-Qiagen-standard - 16KB XLSLot272-Randox-standard - 15KB XLSLot273-Romed-standard - 21KB XLSLot274-Sarsted-standard - 16KB XLSLot275-Siemens-standard - 18KB FILELot276-Sigma-AldrichLabware-standard-4 - 42KB XLSLot277-SpektarCacak-standard - 32KB XLSLot278-Swagelok-standard - 16KB XLSLot279-TAInstruments-standard - 16KB XLSLot280-Tektronix-standard - 15KB XLSLot280-Tektronix-standard - 16KB XLSLot280-Tektronix-standard - 15KB XLSLot280-Tektronix-standard - 15KB XLSLot281-ThermoFisherScientific,hemije-standard - 15KB XLSLot282-ThermoFisherScientific,oprema-standard - 15KB XLSLot283-ThermoFisherScientific,sitnaoprema-standard - 16KB XLSLot284-Thorlabs-standard - 15KB XLSLot285-Torlak-standard - 29KB XLSLot286-USB-standard - 16KB XLSLot287-VMA - 16KB XLSLot288-VWRLaboratoryCatalogue,sitntrosnimaterijal-standard - 17KB XLSLot289-WTW-standard - 15KB XLSLot290-Razel Scientific Instruments - 16KB XLSLot291- Avanti - 16KB XLSLot292-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalXII - 17KB XLSLot293-ELITech - 16KB XLSLot294 - Medicinska sredstva i medikamenti - 18KB XLSLot295-MSA - 15KB XLSLot296-Trilogy - 16KB XLSLot297-Operon - 15KB XLSLot298-medicinskimaterijal - 16KB XLSLot299-laboratorijske hemikalije i sitan potrošni materijal XIII - 16KB XLSTabela Evaluacije - 68KB DOCTenderskaDokumentacija_IOP4-2011-C-1-NP - 168KB PDFUputstvo za upotrebu Portala za elektronsku korekciju Tenderske dokumentacije - 656KB PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 250 do Lota br 299 - 811KB
IOP/4-2011/C/1/NP - Javna nabavka potrošnog materijala za potrebe naučnoistraživačkih organizacija

Rezultati završenog tendera

JUP Istraživanje i razvoj doo, Beograd, Nemanjina 22-26, objavljuje izveštaj o evaluaciji ponuda na koji je dobijena saglasnost Evropske investicione banke.
Naručilac će nakon isteka roka za žalbe izabranim ponuđačima uputiti poštom obaveštenje o izboru. Datum prijema obaveštenja predstavljaće datum zaključenja ugovora, odnosno datum početka roka isporuke.

FILELista izabranih ponudjača - 13KB
FILETabela Evaluacije - 68KB
PDFIzveštaj Evaluacija Potrošni-1 - 1688KB

PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 250 do Lota br 299 - 811KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 200 do Lota br 249 - 911KB

DOCJavni_poziv_IOP4-2011-C-1-1 - 24KB
DOCTenderskaDokumentacija_IOP4-2011-C-1-NP - 168KB
DOCIzmena TD - 16KB
DOCIzmena TD 2 - 81KB
DOCIzmena TD 3 - 82KB
DOCIzmena TD 4 - 60KB

FILELot200-Abbott-standard - 17KB
FILELot201-ABCR-standard - 16KB
FILELot202-ACEGLASSInc-standard - 16KB
FILELot203-AesculapSurgicalInstruments-standard - 16KB
FILELot204-AgarScientific-standard - 18KB
FILELot205-Agrisera-standard - 15KB
FILELot206-Alpco-standard - 15KB
FILELot207-Berghof-standard - 32KB
FILELot208-Biohemijskireagensizaoblasticine,veterine,stomatologijeIfarmacije - 24KB
FILELot209-Biolab-standard - 17KB
FILELot210-Biooptica-standard - 17KB
FILELot211-Brand-standard - 16KB
FILELot212-Buehler - 16KB
FILELot213-Capp-standard - 17KB
FILELot214-Centrohem-standard - 48KB
FILELot215-ColeParmer-standard - 26KB
FILELot216-Deltalab-standard - 26KB
FILELot217-Deutch&Neumann-standard - 16KB
FILELot218-Dobrazaoblastpoljoprivredeocarstva - 22KB
FILELot219-Draeager - 16KB
FILELot220-Duchefa-standard - 19KB
FILELot221-Duran-standard - 18KB
FILELot222-EdmundOptics-standard - 19KB
FILELot223-elektrotehnikaI - 16KB
FILELot224-elektrotehnikaII - 17KB
FILELot225-Elunit - 15KB
FILELot226-Eppendorf-standard - 17KB
FILELot227-Euinstruments - 16KB
FILELot228-Euroimunn-standard - 16KB
FILELot229-Experimentaria-standard - 17KB
FILELot230-FermentasLifeScience-standard - 15KB
FILELot231-Galenika - 16KB
FILELot232-GEHealthcare-standard - 16KB
FILELot233-GeneralElectrics-standard - 16KB
FILELot234-GreinerBio-one-standard - 17KB
FILELot235-HANNAInstruments-standard - 18KB
FILELot236-IDEXXLaboratories,Inc-standard - 16KB
FILELot237-InstitutzarudarstvoimetalurgijuBOR - 15KB
FILELot238-Kimberly-clark-standard - 23KB
FILELot239-Kruuse - 15KB
FILELot240-Kryooprema - 16KB
FILELot241-LABBOXLABWARE-standard - 45KB
FILELot242-laboratorijskaopremaisitanošnimaterijalI - 20KB
FILELot243-laboratorijskaopremaisitanošnimaterijalII - 17KB
FILELot244-laboratorijskehemikalijeI - 17KB
FILELot245-laboratorijskehemikalijeII - 19KB
FILELot246-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalI-1 - 17KB
FILELot247-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalII - 17KB
FILELot248-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalIII - 20KB
FILELot249-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalIV - 25KB
FILELot250-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalIX - 18KB
FILELot251-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalV - 17KB
FILELot252-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalVI - 17KB
FILELot253-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalVII - 16KB
FILELot254-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalVIII - 17KB
FILELot255-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalX - 16KB
FILELot256-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalXI - 15KB
FILELot257-MerckChemicals&Reagents-standard - 16KB
FILELot258-Mikroorganizmi - 56KB
FILELot259-MossandHemoss-standard - 22KB
FILELot260-MPBiomedicals-standard - 16KB
FILELot261-MTICorporation-standard - 16KB
FILELot262-Nipro-standard - 19KB
FILELot263-Niva-standard - 18KB
FILELot264-Noack - 20KB
FILELot265-Metabion - 17KB
FILELot266-Opremaipotrošnimaterijalzaastmedicine,veterine,stomatologijeifarmacije-1 - 23KB
FILELot267-Ortec - 16KB
FILELot268-PAATheCellCultureCompany-standard - 16KB
FILELot269-PfiefferVacuum-standard - 17KB
FILELot270-Phenomenex-standard - 17KB
FILELot271-Qiagen-standard - 16KB
FILELot272-Randox-standard - 15KB
FILELot273-Romed-standard - 21KB
FILELot274-Sarsted-standard - 16KB
FILELot275-Siemens-standard - 18KB
FILELot276-Sigma-AldrichLabware-standard-4 - 42KB
FILELot277-SpektarCacak-standard - 32KB
FILELot278-Swagelok-standard - 16KB
FILELot279-TAInstruments-standard - 16KB
FILELot280-Tektronix-standard - 15KB
FILELot281-ThermoFisherScientific,hemije-standard - 15KB
FILELot282-ThermoFisherScientific,oprema-standard - 15KB
FILELot283-ThermoFisherScientific,sitnaoprema-standard - 16KB
FILELot284-Thorlabs-standard - 15KB
FILELot285-Torlak-standard - 29KB
FILELot286-USB-standard - 16KB
FILELot287-VMA - 16KB
FILELot288-VWRLaboratoryCatalogue,sitntrosnimaterijal-standard - 17KB
FILELot289-WTW-standard - 15KB
FILELot290-Razel Scientific Instruments - 16KB
FILELot291- Avanti - 16KB
FILELot292-laboratorijskehemikalijeisipotrošnimaterijalXII - 17KB
FILELot293-ELITech - 16KB
FILELot294 - Medicinska sredstva i medikamenti - 18KB
FILELot295-MSA - 15KB
FILELot296-Trilogy - 16KB
FILELot297-Operon - 15KB
FILELot298-medicinskimaterijal - 16KB
FILELot299-laboratorijske hemikalije i sitan potrošni materijal XIII - 16KB
Обавештења о спроведеним поступцима
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 200 do Lota br 249 - 911KB
IOP/4-2012/C/2 - Javna nabavka potrošnog materijala za potrebe naučnoistraživačkih organizacija

Obaveštenje o žalbama

FILETabela evaluacije Deo izmene - 290KB
DOCObaveštenje o podnetim zahtevima za razjašnjenje - 16KB

Rezultati završenog tendera

JUP Istraživanje i razvoj doo, Beograd, Nemanjina 22-26, objavljuje izveštaj o evaluaciji ponuda na koji je dobijena saglasnost Evropske investicione banke.
Naručilac će nakon isteka roka za žalbe izabranim ponuđačima uputiti poštom obaveštenje o izboru. Datum prijema obaveštenja predstavljaće datum zaključenja ugovora, odnosno datum početka roka isporuke.

FILELista izabranih ponuđača - 32KB
FILETabela evaluacija ponuda - 333KB
PDFIzvestaj o evaluaciji IOP-4-2012-C-2 - 181KB

DOCObaveštenje 5 - 146KB
DOCObaveštenje 4 - 91KB
DOCObaveštenje 3 - 89KB
DOCJavni poziv Potrošni Materijal 2 - 26KB
DOCTenderska Dokumentacija IOP4-2012-C-2 - 168KB
DOCIzmena_TD_1 - 84KB
DOCObaveštenje_2 - 80KB
PDFPitanja i odgovori 1 - 333KB
PDFPitanja i odgovori 2 - 338KB
PDFPitanja i odgovori 3 - 335KB
PDFPitanja i odgovori 4 - 336KB
PDFPitanja i odgovori 5 - 332KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 301 do Lota br 327 - 485KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 328 do Lota br 354 - 522KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 355 do Lota br 381 - 577KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 382 do Lota br 408 - 504KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 409 do Lota br 435 - 546KB
PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 436 do Lota br 461 - 653KB
DOCIzmena_TD_1 - 84KB PDFIzvestaj o evaluaciji IOP-4-2012-C-2 - 181KB DOCJavni poziv Potrošni Materijal 2 - 26KB XLSLista izabranih ponuđača - 32KB XLSLot301-Abcam- standard - 21KB XLSLot302-Acros Organic - standard - 25KB XLSLot303-AGA - standard - 18KB XLSLot304-Agar Scientific - standard - 16KB XLSLot305-Agilent - standard - 23KB XLSLot306-Agrisera - standard - 16KB XLSLot307-Alfa Aesar - standard - 22KB XLSLot308-Antibody Source Book, AbD serotec - standar - 13KB XLSLot309-AppliChem- standard - 15KB XLSLot310-Applied Biosystems- standard - 31KB XLSLot311-Avantor Chemicals Catalog (J.T. Baker)- standard - 15KB XLSLot312-BD bioscience- standard - 19KB XLSLot313-Biohemijski reagensi za oblast medicine, farmacije - 21KB XLSLot314-Biohit- standard - 17KB XLSLot315-Biolegend- standard - 16KB XLSLot316-BIOMERIEUX- standard - 19KB XLSLot317-Biometra- standard - 17KB XLSLot318-BioRad- standard - 19KB XLSLot319-Bioreba- standard - 16KB XLSLot320-BioSan- standard - 13KB XLSLot321-Brand- standard - 18KB XLSLot322-Buchi- standard - 17KB XLSLot323-Buehler- standard - 16KB XLSLot324-Buhlmann- standard - 15KB XLSLot325-Capp- standard - 16KB XLSLot326-Carl Roth- standard - 62KB XLSLot327-Carlo Erba- standard - 16KB XLSLot328-Caymanchem- standard - 16KB XLSLot329-Cell Signaling- standard - 19KB XLSLot330-CellBiolabs- standard - 16KB XLSLot331-Centrohem- standard - 15KB XLSLot332-Cole Parmer- standard - 20KB XLSLot333-Conrad - 23KB XLSLot334-Consort Electrochemistry&Electrophoresis - standard - 10KB XLSLot335-Dako- standard - 13KB XLSLot336-Deltalab- standard - 18KB XLSLot337-Digikey- standard - 30KB XLSLot338-Duchefa- standard - 13KB XLSLot339-Duran- standard - 20KB XLSLot340-eBioscience- standard - 20KB XLSLot341-Edmund Optics- standard - 17KB XLSLot342-Ehret- standard - 15KB XLSLot343-Eijkelkamp- standard - 19KB XLSLot344-Elektrotehnika - 19KB XLSLot345-Eppendorf- standard - 35KB XLSLot346-EuInstruments-standard - 12KB XLSLot347-Eurofins Operon-standard - 17KB XLSLot348-Euroimmun-standard - 14KB XLSLot349-Extrasynthese-standard - 16KB XLSLot350-Farnell - 23KB XLSLot351-Fermentas Life Science- standard - 26KB XLSLot352-Fisher chemical - 20KB XLSLot353-GE Healthcare- standard - 16KB XLSLot354-General Electrics- standard - 16KB XLSLot355-Gibco Cell Culture Catalogue-standard - 14KB XLSLot356-Glassco lab glass- standard - 18KB XLSLot357-Grace- standard - 16KB XLSLot358-Greiner Bio-one- standard - 19KB XLSLot359-Hach Lange- standard - 17KB XLSLot360-HANNA Instruments-standard - 11KB XLSLot361-HBM- standard - 15KB XLSLot362-Heidolph- standard - 12KB XLSLot363-Hellma-standard - 11KB XLSLot364-Hettich-standard - 11KB XLSLot365-HiMedia- standard - 18KB XLSLot366-IDEXX Laboratories- standard - 15KB XLSLot367-IKA- standard - 16KB XLSLot368-Jandel Engineering Limited-standard - 16KB XLSLot369-Invitrogen Life Science-standard - 38KB XLSLot370-Ismatec- standard - 15KB XLSLot371-Iso Lab- standard - 43KB XLSLot372-KAPABIOSYSTEMS- standard - 14KB XLSLot373-Kartell- standard - 18KB XLSLot374-Kern- standard - 17KB XLSLot375-Kimberly-clark - 15KB XLSLot376-Konica Minolta - 15KB XLSLot377-Lab M- standard - 16KB XLSLot378-LABBOX LABWARE- standard - 32KB XLSLot379-Labnet- standard - 16KB XLSLot380-Labobnova - standard - 15KB XLSLot381-Laboratorijska oprema i sitan potrošni materijal - 22KB XLSLot382-Laboratorijska hemikalije - 12KB XLSLot383-Lachner- standard - 23KB XLSLot384-Leica- standard - 16KB XLSLot385-LGC- standard - 16KB XLSLot386-LKB-standard - 16KB XLSLot387-LLG- standard - 59KB XLSLot388-Lonza BioResearch - standard - 11KB XLSLot389-Macherey-Nagel- standard - 17KB XLSLot390-Memmert- standard - 15KB XLSLot391-Menzel-glaser- standard - 18KB XLSLot392-Merck Chemicals&Reagents- standard - 28KB XLSLot393-Messer Tehnogas-standard - 28KB XLSLot394-Metabion- standard - 25KB XLSLot395-Metrohm- standard - 16KB XLSLot396-Mettler Toledo- standard - 17KB XLSLot397-Micro Princ- standard - 19KB XLSLot398-Mikoroorganizmi - 16KB XLSLot399-Milestone- standard - 16KB XLSLot400-Millipore- standard - 19KB XLSLot401-Miltenyi Biotec- standard - 16KB XLSLot402-Moss and Hemoss- standard - 13KB XLSLot403-MP Biomedicals- standard - 16KB XLSLot404-National Instruments- standard - 13KB XLSLot405-Noack- standard - 12KB XLSLot406-Nunc- standard - 13KB XLSLot407-Ocean optics- standard - 16KB XLSLot408-Ohaus- standard - 16KB XLSLot409-Omnilab-Juergens- standard - 18KB XLSLot410-Oxoid- standard - 18KB XLSLot411-PAA The Cell Culture Company- standard - 23KB XLSLot412-Peprotech- standard - 15KB XLSLot413-PerkinElmer- standard - 17KB XLSLot414-Pfieffer Vacuum- standard - 19KB XLSLot415-Phenomenex- standard - 17KB XLSLot416-Pierce-standard - 13KB XLSLot417-Precisa Gravimetrics AG- standard - 12KB XLSLot418-Progene Scientific- standard - 15KB XLSLot419-Promega- standard - 16KB XLSLot420-Qiagen- standard - 17KB XLSLot421-R&D Systems- standard - 22KB XLSLot422-Radwag- standard - 15KB XLSLot423-Randox- standard - 12KB XLSLot424-Raypa- standard - 15KB XLSLot425-Roche- standard - 14KB XLSLot426-Rosco diagnostica- standard - 16KB XLSLot427-RS Components- standard - 17KB XLSLot428-Sacace Biotehnologies- standard - 16KB XLSLot429-Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Research Antibodies Catalog- standard - 21KB XLSLot430-Sarsted- standard - 42KB XLSLot431-Sartorius- standard - 12KB XLSLot432-Serva- standard - 25KB XLSLot433-Shimadzu- standard - 12KB XLSLot434-Sigma-Aldrich Labware- standard - 139KB XLSLot435-Socorex- standard - 16KB XLSLot436-Spektar Cacak- standard - 15KB XLSLot437-Svanova Biotech AB- standard - 16KB XLSLot438-TA Instruments- standard - 15KB XLSLot439-TCI Europe- standard - 22KB XLSLot440-Tektronix- standard - 16KB XLSLot441-TESTO- standard - 17KB XLSLot442-TGI lab glass- standard - 18KB XLSLot443-Thermo Fisher-hemikalije-standard - 16KB XLSLot444-Thermo Fisher-sitna oprema i potrošni materijal - 17KB XLSLot445-Thermo Fisher - oprema- standard - 12KB XLSLot446-Thorlabs- standard - 21KB XLSLot447-Torlak- standard - 23KB XLSLot448-Vectror Laboratories- standard - 12KB XLSLot449-Velp Scientifica- standard - 16KB XLSLot450-Vilber-Lourmat- standard - 15KB XLSLot451-VWR Laboratory Catalogue - hemikalije- stan - 14KB XLSLot452-VWR Laboratory Catalogue - oprema- standard - 12KB XLSLot453-Waters- standard - 16KB XLSLot454-Wenk- standard - 17KB XLSLot455-WTW- standard - 12KB XLSLot456-Yulabo- standard - 15KB XLSLot457-Zeiss- standard - 17KB XLSLot458-Zorka farma- standard - 19KB XLSLot459-Kancelarijski materijal - 182KB XLSLot460-Schaefer-standard - 15KB XLSLot461-BD Diagnostics-standard - 17KB DOCObaveštenje 3 - 89KB DOCObaveštenje 4 - 91KB DOCObaveštenje 5 - 146KB DOCObaveštenje o podnetim zahtevima za razjašnjenje - 16KB DOCObaveštenje_2 - 80KB PDFPitanja i odgovori 1 - 333KB PDFPitanja i odgovori 2 - 338KB PDFPitanja i odgovori 3 - 335KB PDFPitanja i odgovori 4 - 336KB PDFPitanja i odgovori 5 - 332KB XLSTabela evaluacija ponuda - 333KB XLSTabela evaluacije Deo izmene - 290KB DOCTenderska Dokumentacija IOP4-2012-C-2 - 168KB PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 301 do Lota br 327 - 485KB PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 328 do Lota br 354 - 522KB PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 355 do Lota br 381 - 577KB PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 382 do Lota br 408 - 504KB PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 409 do Lota br 435 - 546KB PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda od Lota br 436 do Lota br 461 - 653KB
IOP/4-2012/C/NP - Javna nabavka potrošnog materijala za potrebe naučnoistraživačkih organizacija
PDFIzveštaj o evaluaciji ponuda - 121KB
FILELista izabranih ponuđača - 10KB
FILEEvaluacija - 16KB

PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda od Lota broj 470 do Lota broj 499 - 605KB

DOCJavni poziv IOP4-2012-C-2-NP - 24KB
DOCTenderska Dokumentacija IOP4-2012-C-2-NP - 172KB
DOCIzmena TD 1 - 89KB

FILELot470 - Hemijski reagensi - 16KB
FILELot471 - Agar Scientific - standard - 10KB
FILELot472 - Agrisera - standard - 10KB
FILELot473 - Alfa Aesar - standard - 21KB
FILELot474 - Biohemijski reagensi za oblast med - 13KB
FILELot475 - Biolegend- standard - 13KB
FILELot476 - Buehler- standard - 10KB
FILELot477 - Caymanchem- standard - 15KB
FILELot478 - Elektrotehnika - 12KB
FILELot479 - Duran- standard - 13KB
FILELot480 - Extrasynthese-standard - 11KB
FILELot481 - Grace- standard - 10KB
FILELot482 - Labobnova - standard - 10KB
FILELot483 - LGC- standard - 10KB
FILELot484 - Metrohm- standard - 10KB
FILELot485 - Micro Princ- standard - 13KB
FILELot486 - Mikoroorganizmi - 10KB
FILELot487 - Promega- standard - 11KB
FILELot488 - Rosco diagnostica- standard - 10KB
FILELot489 - RS Components- standard - 11KB
FILELot490 - Svanova Biotech AB - standard - 10KB
FILELot491 - Thermo Fisher -hemikalije I - stan - 12KB
FILELot492 - Thermo Fisher -hemikalije II - standard - 17KB
FILELot493 - LLG- standard - 10KB
FILELot494 - Waters - standard - 10KB
FILELot495 - Reagenski za molekularnu biologiju - 13KB
FILELot496 - Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Research A - 14KB
FILELot497 - Sigma-Aldrich Labware - standard - 18KB
FILELot498 - Fermentas Life Science - standard - 15KB
FILELot499 - Pierce - standard - 14KB
XLSEvaluacija - 16KB DOCIzmena TD 1 - 89KB PDFIzveštaj o evaluaciji ponuda - 121KB DOCJavni poziv IOP4-2012-C-2-NP - 24KB XLSLista izabranih ponuđača - 10KB XLSLot470 - Hemijski reagensi - 16KB XLSLot471 - Agar Scientific - standard - 10KB XLSLot472 - Agrisera - standard - 10KB XLSLot473 - Alfa Aesar - standard - 21KB XLSLot474 - Biohemijski reagensi za oblast med - 13KB XLSLot475 - Biolegend- standard - 13KB XLSLot476 - Buehler- standard - 10KB XLSLot477 - Caymanchem- standard - 15KB XLSLot478 - Elektrotehnika - 12KB XLSLot479 - Duran- standard - 13KB XLSLot480 - Extrasynthese-standard - 11KB XLSLot481 - Grace- standard - 10KB XLSLot482 - Labobnova - standard - 10KB XLSLot483 - LGC- standard - 10KB XLSLot484 - Metrohm- standard - 10KB XLSLot485 - Micro Princ- standard - 13KB XLSLot486 - Mikoroorganizmi - 10KB XLSLot487 - Promega- standard - 11KB XLSLot488 - Rosco diagnostica- standard - 10KB XLSLot489 - RS Components- standard - 11KB XLSLot490 - Svanova Biotech AB - standard - 10KB XLSLot491 - Thermo Fisher -hemikalije I - stan - 12KB XLSLot492 - Thermo Fisher -hemikalije II - standard - 17KB XLSLot493 - LLG- standard - 10KB XLSLot494 - Waters - standard - 10KB XLSLot495 - Reagenski za molekularnu biologiju - 13KB XLSLot496 - Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Research A - 14KB XLSLot497 - Sigma-Aldrich Labware - standard - 18KB XLSLot498 - Fermentas Life Science - standard - 15KB XLSLot499 - Pierce - standard - 14KB XLSLot499 - Pierce - standard - 14KB DOCTenderska Dokumentacija IOP4-2012-C-2-NP - 172KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda od Lota broj 470 do Lota broj 499 - 605KB
IOP/7-2012/C/3 - Javna nabavka potrošnog materijala za potrebe naučnoistraživačkih organizacija

Rezultati završenog tendera

JUP Istraživanje i razvoj doo, Beograd, Nemanjina 22-26, objavljuje izveštaj o evaluaciji ponuda na koji je dobijena saglasnost Evropske investicione banke.
Naručilac će nakon isteka roka za žalbe izabranim ponuđačima uputiti poštom obaveštenje o izboru. Datum prijema obaveštenja predstavljaće datum zaključenja ugovora, odnosno datum početka roka isporuke.

FILELista izabranih ponuđača - 16KB
FILETabela Evaluacije - 41KB
PDFIzveštaj o evaluaciji ponuda - 338KB

Poštovani dobavljači,

molimo vas da zahteve za promenom tenderske dokumentacije (konkretno - stavke u određenom lotu) šaljete isključivo elektronskim putem. Uputstvo na koji način to možete uraditi nalazi se ovde:
PDFUputstvo za upotrebu Portala za elektronsku korekciju Tenderske dokumentacije - 656KB

PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda od Lota broj 501 do Lota broj 535 - 646KB
PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda od Lota broj 536 do Lota broj 570 - 765KB
PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda od Lota broj 571 do Lota broj 605 - 959KB
PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda od Lota broj 606 do Lota broj 640 - 845KB

DOCJavni poziv Potrošni Materijal Tender 3 - 27KB
DOCTenderska Dokumentacija IOP7-2012-C-3 - 165KB

DOCObaveštenje 1 - 88KB

DOCIzmena TD 1 - 85KB
DOCIzmena TD 2 - 90KB
DOCIzmena TD 3 - 184KB

DOCPitanja i Odgovori 1 - 82KB
DOCPitanja i Odgovori 2 - 81KB

FILELot501-Abbott-standard - 10KB
FILELot502-Abcam-standard - 17KB
FILELot503-Acros Organic-standard - 15KB
FILELot504-AGA-standard - 11KB
FILELot505-Vakuum i krioskopska oprema - 12KB
FILELot506-Agilent-standard - 20KB
FILELot507-Agrisera-standard - 10KB
FILELot508-Alfa Aesar-standard - 12KB
FILELot509-Ambion-standard - 12KB
FILELot510-AppliChem-standard - 11KB
FILELot511-Applied Biosystems-standard - 22KB
FILELot512-BD diagnostics - standard - 13KB
FILELot513-ATCC Cell Biology-standard - 9KB
FILELot514-Avantor Chemicals Catalog (J.T. Baker)-standard - 15KB
FILELot515-BD bioscience-standard - 15KB
FILELot516-biohemijski reagensi - 25KB
FILELot517-Biohit-standard - 10KB
FILELot518-Biolegend-standard - 13KB
FILELot519-BIOMERIEUX-standard - 12KB
FILELot520-BioRad-standard - 14KB
FILELot521-Boeco-standard - 10KB
FILELot522-Brand-standard - 12KB
FILELot523-Brunel-standard - 10KB
FILELot525-Buehler-standard - 11KB
FILELot526-Buerklin-standard - 10KB
FILELot527-Capp-standard - 12KB
FILELot528-Carl Roth-standard - 38KB
FILELot529-Carlo Erba-standard - 12KB
FILELot530-Caymanchem-standard - 9KB
FILELot531-Cell Signaling-standard - 12KB
FILELot532-CellBiolabs-standard - 9KB
FILELot533-Centrohem-standard - 17KB
FILELot534-Cole Parmer-standard - 12KB
FILELot535-Conrad-standard - 12KB
FILELot536-Dako-standard - 11KB
FILELot537-Deltalab-standard - 11KB
FILELot538-Digikey-standard - 11KB
FILELot539-Laboratorijske životinje- VMA - 11KB
FILELot540-eBioscience-standard - 10KB
FILELot541-Edmund Optics-standard - 11KB
FILELot542-Eijkelkamp-standard - 15KB
FILELot543-Elektrotehnika - 20KB
FILELot544-Innovatest-standard - 11KB
FILELot545-Eppendorf-standard - 25KB
FILELot546-EuInstruments-standard - 13KB
FILELot547-Extrasynthese-standard - 12KB
FILELot548-Farnell-standard - 10KB
FILELot549-Faster-standard - 10KB
FILELot550-Fermentas Life Science-standard - 22KB
FILELot551-Fisher chemical-standard - 14KB
FILELot552-Fuel Cell Store-standard - 10KB
FILELot553-GE Healthcare-standard - 11KB
FILELot554-Gibco Cell Culture Catalogue-standard - 11KB
FILELot555-Grace-standard - 10KB
FILELot556-Greiner Bio-one-standard - 12KB
FILELot557-Hach Lange-standard - 10KB
FILELot558-HANNA Instruments-standard - 10KB
FILELot559-HBM-standard - 10KB
FILELot560-IKA-standard - 12KB
FILELot561-Invitrogen Life Science-standard - 22KB
FILELot562-Iso Lab-standard - 25KB
FILELot564-Kern-standard - 10KB
FILELot565-Kimberly-clark-standard - 12KB
FILELot566-Konica Minolta-standard - 11KB
FILELot567-LABBOX LABWARE-standard - 17KB
FILELot568-Keithley Instruments -standard - 11KB
FILELot569-Laboratorijska oprema I sitan potrosni materijal I - 26KB
DOCLot570-Laboratorijska oprema i sitan potrošni materijal II
FILELot571-Lachner-standard - 15KB
FILELot572-LGC-standard - 10KB
FILELot573-LKB-standard - 11KB
FILELot574-LLG-standard - 32KB
FILELot575-Lonza BioResearch Catalog-standard - 10KB
FILELot576-Macherey-Nagel-standard - 13KB
FILELot577-Memmert-standard - 9KB
FILELot578-Merck-standard - 18KB
DOCLot579-LMesser Tehnogas-standard
FILELot580-Metrohm-standard - 11KB
FILELot581-Mettler Toledo-standard - 11KB
FILELot582-Micro Princ-standard - 15KB
FILELot583-Milestone-standard - 11KB
FILELot584-Millipore-standard - 13KB
FILELot585-Miltenyi Biotec-standard - 10KB
FILELot586-Moss and Hemoss-standard - 9KB
FILELot587-MTI Corporation-standard - 10KB
FILELot588-National Instruments-standard - 12KB
FILELot589-Noack-standard - 9KB
FILELot590-Nunc-standard - 12KB
FILELot591-Omnilab-Juergens-standard - 12KB
FILELot592-Optika - 12KB
FILELot593-Oprema I sitan potrosni materijal za oblast medicine, farmacije I veterine - 12KB
FILELot594-PAA The Cell Culture Company-standard - 14KB
FILELot595-Peqlab-standard - 10KB
FILELot596-PerkinElmer-standard - 12KB
FILELot597-Pfieffer Vacuum-standard - 11KB
FILELot598-Phenomenex-standard - 12KB
FILELot600-Pilodist-standard - 10KB
FILELot601-Poljoprivreda i stocarstvo - 12KB
FILELot602-NT-MDT House-standard - 11KB
FILELot603-Promega-standard - 9KB
FILELot605-R&D Systems-standard - 12KB
FILELot606-Radwag-standard - 10KB
FILELot607-Restek-Millitest-standard - 9KB
FILELot608-Roche-standard - 11KB
FILELot609-RS Components-standard - 11KB
FILELot610-Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Research Antibodies Catalog-standard - 16KB
FILELot611-Sarsted-standard - 23KB
FILELot612-Sartorius-standard - 13KB
FILELot613-Schott Instruments-standard - 9KB
FILELot614-Serva-standard - 16KB
FILELot615-Shimadzu-standard - 13KB
FILELot616-Sigma-standard - 81KB
FILELot617-Spectrum-standard - 9KB
FILELot618-Spektar Cacak-standard - 12KB
FILELot619-Merni instrumenti - 12KB
FILELot620-Tektronix-standard - 10KB
FILELot621-Olympus-standard - 11KB
FILELot622-TESTO-standard - 10KB
FILELot623-Thermo Fisher hemikalije-standard - 16KB
FILELot624-Thermo Fisher oprema-standard - 14KB
FILELot625-Thorlabs-standard - 16KB
FILELot626-TKA Teknolabo-standard - 11KB
FILELot627-Torlak-standard - 12KB
FILELot628-Vectror Laboratories-standard - 11KB
FILELot629-VWR Laboratory Catalogue-standard - 16KB
FILELot630-VWR Laboratory Catalogue - hemikalije-standard - 16KB
FILELot631-Waters-standard - 10KB
FILELot632-Wenk-standard - 12KB
FILELot633-WTW-standard - 11KB
FILELot634-Yulabo-standard - 9KB
FILELot635-Zeiss-standard - 10KB
FILELot636-Zorka farma-standard - 15KB
FILELot637-Kancelarijski materijal - 98KB
FILELot638-Romed-standard - 14KB
FILELot639-Horiba-standard - 11KB
DOC - 71KB FILE - 40KB FILE - 14KB DOCIzmena TD 1 - 85KB DOCIzmena TD 2 - 90KB DOCIzmena TD 3 - 184KB PDFIzveštaj o evaluaciji ponuda - 338KB DOCJavni poziv Potrošni Materijal Tender 3 - 27KB XLSLista izabranih ponuđača - 16KB XLSLot501-Abbott-standard - 10KB XLSLot501-Abbott-standard - 10KB XLSLot502-Abcam-standard - 17KB XLSLot502-Abcam-standard - 17KB XLSLot503-Acros Organic-standard - 15KB XLSLot503-Acros Organic-standard - 15KB XLSLot504-AGA-standard - 11KB XLSLot504-AGA-standard - 11KB XLSLot505-Vakuum i krioskopska oprema - 12KB XLSLot505-Vakuum i krioskopska oprema - 12KB XLSLot506-Agilent-standard - 20KB XLSLot506-Agilent-standard - 20KB XLSLot507-Agrisera-standard - 10KB XLSLot507-Agrisera-standard - 10KB XLSLot508-Alfa Aesar-standard - 12KB XLSLot508-Alfa Aesar-standard - 12KB XLSLot509-Ambion-standard - 12KB XLSLot509-Ambion-standard - 12KB XLSLot510-AppliChem-standard - 11KB XLSLot510-AppliChem-standard - 11KB XLSLot511-Applied Biosystems-standard - 22KB XLSLot511-Applied Biosystems-standard - 22KB XLSLot512-BD diagnostics - standard - 13KB XLSLot512-BD diagnostics - standard - 13KB XLSLot513-ATCC Cell Biology-standard - 9KB XLSLot513-ATCC Cell Biology-standard - 9KB XLSLot514-Avantor Chemicals Catalog (J.T. Baker)-standard - 15KB XLSLot514-Avantor Chemicals Catalog (J.T. Baker)-standard - 15KB XLSLot515-BD bioscience-standard - 15KB XLSLot515-BD bioscience-standard - 15KB XLSLot516-biohemijski reagensi - 25KB XLSLot516-biohemijski reagensi - 25KB XLSLot517-Biohit-standard - 10KB XLSLot517-Biohit-standard - 10KB XLSLot518-Biolegend-standard - 13KB XLSLot518-Biolegend-standard - 13KB XLSLot519-BIOMERIEUX-standard - 12KB XLSLot519-BIOMERIEUX-standard - 12KB XLSLot520-BioRad-standard - 14KB XLSLot520-BioRad-standard - 14KB XLSLot520-BioRad-standard - 14KB XLSLot521-Boeco-standard - 10KB XLSLot521-Boeco-standard - 10KB XLSLot522-Brand-standard - 12KB XLSLot522-Brand-standard - 12KB XLSLot523-Brunel-standard - 10KB XLSLot523-Brunel-standard - 10KB XLSLot524-Buchi-standard - 11KB XLSLot525-Buehler-standard - 11KB XLSLot525-Buehler-standard - 11KB XLSLot526-Buerklin-standard - 10KB XLSLot526-Buerklin-standard - 10KB XLSLot527-Capp-standard - 12KB XLSLot527-Capp-standard - 12KB XLSLot528-Carl Roth-standard - 38KB XLSLot528-Carl Roth-standard - 38KB XLSLot529-Carlo Erba-standard - 12KB XLSLot529-Carlo Erba-standard - 12KB XLSLot530-Caymanchem-standard - 9KB XLSLot530-Caymanchem-standard - 9KB XLSLot531-Cell Signaling-standard - 12KB XLSLot531-Cell Signaling-standard - 12KB XLSLot532-CellBiolabs-standard - 9KB XLSLot532-CellBiolabs-standard - 9KB XLSLot533-Centrohem-standard - 17KB XLSLot533-Centrohem-standard - 17KB XLSLot534-Cole Parmer-standard - 12KB XLSLot535-Conrad-standard - 12KB XLSLot535-Conrad-standard - 12KB XLSLot536-Dako-standard - 11KB XLSLot536-Dako-standard - 11KB XLSLot537-Deltalab-standard - 11KB XLSLot537-Deltalab-standard - 11KB XLSLot538-Digikey-standard - 11KB XLSLot538-Digikey-standard - 11KB XLSLot539-Laboratorijske životinje- VMA - 11KB XLSLot539-Laboratorijske životinje- VMA - 11KB XLSLot540-eBioscience-standard - 10KB XLSLot540-eBioscience-standard - 10KB XLSLot541-Edmund Optics-standard - 11KB XLSLot541-Edmund Optics-standard - 11KB XLSLot542-Eijkelkamp-standard - 15KB XLSLot542-Eijkelkamp-standard - 15KB XLSLot543-Elektrotehnika - 20KB XLSLot543-Elektrotehnika - 20KB XLSLot544-Innovatest-standard - 11KB XLSLot544-Innovatest-standard - 11KB XLSLot545-Eppendorf-standard - 25KB XLSLot545-Eppendorf-standard - 25KB XLSLot546-EuInstruments-standard - 13KB XLSLot546-EuInstruments-standard - 13KB XLSLot547-Extrasynthese-standard - 12KB XLSLot547-Extrasynthese-standard - 12KB XLSLot548-Farnell-standard - 10KB XLSLot548-Farnell-standard - 10KB XLSLot549-Faster-standard - 10KB XLSLot549-Faster-standard - 10KB XLSLot550-Fermentas Life Science-standard - 22KB XLSLot550-Fermentas Life Science-standard - 22KB XLSLot551-Fisher chemical-standard - 14KB XLSLot551-Fisher chemical-standard - 14KB XLSLot552-Fuel Cell Store-standard - 10KB XLSLot552-Fuel Cell Store-standard - 10KB XLSLot553-GE Healthcare-standard - 11KB XLSLot553-GE Healthcare-standard - 11KB XLSLot554-Gibco Cell Culture Catalogue-standard - 11KB XLSLot554-Gibco Cell Culture Catalogue-standard - 11KB XLSLot555-Grace-standard - 10KB XLSLot555-Grace-standard - 10KB XLSLot556-Greiner Bio-one-standard - 12KB XLSLot556-Greiner Bio-one-standard - 12KB XLSLot557-Hach Lange-standard - 10KB XLSLot557-Hach Lange-standard - 10KB XLSLot558-HANNA Instruments-standard - 10KB XLSLot558-HANNA Instruments-standard - 10KB XLSLot559-HBM-standard - 10KB XLSLot559-HBM-standard - 10KB XLSLot560-IKA-standard - 12KB XLSLot560-IKA-standard - 12KB XLSLot561-Invitrogen Life Science-standard - 22KB XLSLot561-Invitrogen Life Science-standard - 22KB XLSLot562-Iso Lab-standard - 25KB XLSLot562-Iso Lab-standard - 24KB XLSLot563-KAPABIOSYSTEMS-standard - 11KB XLSLot563-KAPABIOSYSTEMS-standard - 11KB XLSLot564-Kern-standard - 10KB XLSLot564-Kern-standard - 10KB XLSLot565-Kimberly-clark-standard - 12KB XLSLot565-Kimberly-clark-standard - 12KB XLSLot566-Konica Minolta-standard - 11KB XLSLot566-Konica Minolta-standard - 10KB XLSLot567-LABBOX LABWARE-standard - 17KB XLSLot567-LABBOX LABWARE-standard - 17KB XLSLot568-Keithley Instruments -standard - 11KB XLSLot568-Keithley Instruments -standard - 11KB XLSLot569-Laboratorijska oprema I sitan potrosni materijal I - 26KB XLSLot569-Laboratorijska oprema I sitan potrosni materijal I - 25KB XLSLot570-Laboratorijska oprema I sitan potrosni materijal II - 21KB XLSLot571-Lachner-standard - 15KB XLSLot571-Lachner-standard - 15KB XLSLot572-LGC-standard - 10KB XLSLot572-LGC-standard - 10KB XLSLot573-LKB-standard - 11KB XLSLot573-LKB-standard - 11KB XLSLot574-LLG-standard - 32KB XLSLot574-LLG-standard - 31KB XLSLot575-Lonza BioResearch Catalog-standard - 10KB XLSLot575-Lonza BioResearch Catalog-standard - 10KB XLSLot576-Macherey-Nagel-standard - 13KB XLSLot576-Macherey-Nagel-standard - 13KB XLSLot577-Memmert-standard - 9KB XLSLot577-Memmert-standard - 9KB XLSLot578-Merck-standard - 18KB XLSLot578-Merck-standard - 18KB XLSLot580-Metrohm-standard - 11KB XLSLot580-Metrohm-standard - 11KB XLSLot581-Mettler Toledo-standard - 11KB XLSLot581-Mettler Toledo-standard - 11KB XLSLot582-Micro Princ-standard - 15KB XLSLot582-Micro Princ-standard - 15KB XLSLot583-Milestone-standard - 11KB XLSLot583-Milestone-standard - 11KB XLSLot584-Millipore-standard - 13KB XLSLot584-Millipore-standard - 13KB XLSLot585-Miltenyi Biotec-standard - 10KB XLSLot585-Miltenyi Biotec-standard - 10KB XLSLot586-Moss and Hemoss-standard - 9KB XLSLot586-Moss and Hemoss-standard - 9KB XLSLot587-MTI Corporation-standard - 10KB XLSLot587-MTI Corporation-standard - 10KB XLSLot588-National Instruments-standard - 12KB XLSLot588-National Instruments-standard - 12KB XLSLot589-Noack-standard - 9KB XLSLot589-Noack-standard - 9KB XLSLot590-Nunc-standard - 12KB XLSLot590-Nunc-standard - 12KB XLSLot591-Omnilab-Juergens-standard - 12KB XLSLot591-Omnilab-Juergens-standard - 10KB XLSLot592-Optika - 12KB XLSLot592-Optika - 12KB XLSLot593-Oprema I sitan potrosni materijal za oblast medicine, farmacije I veterine - 12KB XLSLot593-Oprema i sitan potrosni materijal za oblast medicine, farmacije i veterine - 12KB XLSLot594-PAA The Cell Culture Company-standard - 14KB XLSLot594-PAA The Cell Culture Company-standard - 14KB XLSLot595-Peqlab-standard - 10KB XLSLot595-Peqlab-standard - 10KB XLSLot596-PerkinElmer-standard - 12KB XLSLot596-PerkinElmer-standard - 12KB XLSLot597-Pfieffer Vacuum-standard - 11KB XLSLot597-Pfieffer Vacuum-standard - 11KB XLSLot598-Phenomenex-standard - 12KB XLSLot598-Phenomenex-standard - 12KB XLSLot599-Pierce-standard - 12KB XLSLot600-Pilodist-standard - 10KB XLSLot600-Pilodist-standard - 10KB XLSLot601-Poljoprivreda i stocarstvo - 12KB XLSLot601-Poljoprivreda i stocarstvo - 12KB XLSLot602-NT-MDT House-standard - 11KB XLSLot602-NT-MDT House-standard - 11KB XLSLot603-Promega-standard - 9KB XLSLot603-Promega-standard - 9KB XLSLot604-Qiagen-standard - 17KB XLSLot605-R&D Systems-standard - 12KB XLSLot605-R&D Systems-standard - 12KB XLSLot606-Radwag-standard - 10KB XLSLot606-Radwag-standard - 10KB XLSLot607-Restek-Millitest-standard - 9KB XLSLot607-Restek-Millitest-standard - 9KB XLSLot608-Roche-standard - 12KB XLSLot608-Roche-standard - 11KB XLSLot609-RS Components-standard - 11KB XLSLot609-RS Components-standard - 11KB XLSLot610-Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Research Antibodies Catalog-standard - 16KB XLSLot610-Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Research Antibodies Catalog-standard - 16KB XLSLot611-Sarsted-standard - 23KB XLSLot611-Sarsted-standard - 23KB XLSLot612-Sartorius-standard - 12KB XLSLot612-Sartorius-standard - 13KB XLSLot613-Schott Instruments-standard - 9KB XLSLot613-Schott Instruments-standard - 9KB XLSLot614-Serva-standard - 15KB XLSLot614-Serva-standard - 16KB XLSLot615-Shimadzu-standard - 13KB XLSLot615-Shimadzu-standard - 13KB XLSLot616-Sigma-standard - 80KB XLSLot616-Sigma-standard - 81KB XLSLot617-Spectrum-standard - 9KB XLSLot617-Spectrum-standard - 9KB XLSLot618-Spektar Cacak-standard - 12KB XLSLot618-Spektar Cacak-standard - 12KB XLSLot619-Merni instrumenti - 12KB XLSLot619-Merni instrumenti - 12KB XLSLot620-Tektronix-standard - 10KB XLSLot620-Tektronix-standard - 10KB XLSLot621-Olympus-standard - 11KB XLSLot621-Olympus-standard - 11KB XLSLot622-TESTO-standard - 10KB XLSLot622-TESTO-standard - 10KB XLSLot623-Thermo Fisher hemikalije-standard - 16KB XLSLot624-Thermo Fisher oprema-standard - 12KB XLSLot624-Thermo Fisher oprema-standard - 14KB XLSLot625-Thorlabs-standard - 16KB XLSLot625-Thorlabs-standard - 16KB XLSLot626-TKA Teknolabo-standard - 11KB XLSLot626-TKA Teknolabo-standard - 11KB XLSLot627-Torlak-standard - 12KB XLSLot627-Torlak-standard - 12KB XLSLot628-Vectror Laboratories-standard - 11KB XLSLot628-Vectror Laboratories-standard - 11KB XLSLot629-VWR Laboratory Catalogue-standard - 16KB XLSLot629-VWR Laboratory Catalogue-standard - 16KB XLSLot630-VWR Laboratory Catalogue - hemikalije-standard - 16KB XLSLot630-VWR Laboratory Catalogue - hemikalije-standard - 16KB XLSLot631-Waters-standard - 10KB XLSLot631-Waters-standard - 10KB XLSLot632-Wenk-standard - 12KB XLSLot632-Wenk-standard - 12KB XLSLot633-WTW-standard - 11KB XLSLot633-WTW-standard - 11KB XLSLot634-Yulabo-standard - 9KB XLSLot634-Yulabo-standard - 9KB XLSLot635-Zeiss-standard - 10KB XLSLot635-Zeiss-standard - 10KB XLSLot636-Zorka farma-standard - 15KB XLSLot636-Zorka farma-standard - 15KB XLSLot637-Kancelarijski materijal - 98KB XLSLot638-Romed-standard - 14KB XLSLot638-Romed-standard - 14KB XLSLot639-Horiba-standard - 11KB XLSLot639-Horiba-standard - 11KB XLSLot640-Labobnova-standard - 11KB XLSLot640-Labobnova-standard - 11KB XLSLot640-Labobnova-standard - 12KB DOCObaveštenje 1 - 88KB DOCPitanja i Odgovori 1 - 82KB DOCPitanja i Odgovori 2 - 81KB XLSTabela Evaluacije - 41KB DOCTenderska Dokumentacija IOP7-2012-C-3 - 165KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda od Lota broj 501 do Lota broj 535 - 646KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda od Lota broj 536 do Lota broj 570 - 765KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda od Lota broj 571 do Lota broj 605 - 959KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda od Lota broj 606 do Lota broj 640 - 845KB
IOP/1-2013/C/4 - Javna nabavka potrošnog materijala za potrebe naučnoistraživačkih organizacija
PDFIzveštaj o stručnoj oceni ponuda - 176KB
FILETabelarni deo izveštaja - 41KB
PDFOdluka o dodeli ugovora - 72KB

DOCObaveštenje 1 - 88KB
DOCJavni Poziv IOP/1-2013/C/4 - 23KB
FILERaspored Lotova IOP/1-2013/C/4 - 13KB
DOCTenderska Dokumentacija IOP/1-2013/C/4 - 151KB
DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije 1 - 92KB
DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije 2 - 88KB
DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije 3 - 89KB
PDFPitanja i odgovori 1 - 638KB
PDFPitanja i odgovori 2 - 445KB
PDFPitanja i odgovori 3 - 446KB

Zapisnici sa otvaranja

PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 23.12.2013. - 760KB
PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 24.12.2013. - 772KB
PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 25.12.2013. - 828KB
PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 26.12.2013. - 757KB
PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 27.12.2013. - 698KB


Lot 700 - Abbott - standard
Lot 701 - Abcam - standard
Lot 702 - ABCR - standard
Lot 703 - Acros Organic - standard
Lot 704 - AGA - standard
Lot 705 - Agilent - standard
Lot 706 - Alfa Aesar - standard
Lot 707 - Alzet - standard
Lot 708 - Ambion - standard
Lot 709 - Antibody Source Book, AbD serotec - standard
Lot 710 - AppliChem - standard
Lot 711 - Applied Biosystems - standard
Lot 712 - ATCC Cell Biology - standard
Lot 713 - Avantor Chemicals Catalog (J.T. Baker) - standard
Lot 714 - BD bioscience - standard
Lot 715 - Biohit - standard
Lot 716 - Biolegend - standard
Lot 717 - BIOMERIEUX - standard
Lot 718 - Biometra - standard
Lot 719 - BioRad - standard
Lot 720 - BioSan - standard
Lot 721 - Boeco - standard
Lot 722 - Brand - standard
Lot 723 - Brunel - standard
Lot 724 - Buchi - standard
Lot 725 - BYK-Gardner - standard
Lot 726 - Capp - standard
Lot 727 - Carl Roth - standard
Lot 728 - Carlo Erba - standard
Lot 729 - Caymanchem - standard
Lot 730 - Cell Signaling - standard
Lot 731 - CellBiolabs - standard
Lot 732 - Centrohem - standard
Lot 733 - Cole Parmer - standard
Lot 734 - Conrad - standard
Lot 735 - Dako - standard
Lot 736 - Deltalab - standard
Lot 737 - Digikey - standard
Lot 738 - eBioscience - standard
Lot 739 - Edmund Optics - standard
Lot 740 - Eijkelkamp - standard
Lot 742 - Elementar - standard
Lot 743 - Eppendorf - standard
Lot 744 - Extrasynthese - standard
Lot 745 - Farnell - standard
Lot 746 - Fermentas Life Science - standard
Lot 747 - Fisher chemical - standard
Lot 748 - Gamry - standard
Lot 749 - GE Healthcare - standard
Lot 750 - GE Whatman - standard
Lot 751 - Gibco Cell Culture Catalogue - standard
Lot 752 - Gilson - standard
Lot 753 - Grace - standard
Lot 754 - Greiner Bio-one - standard
Lot 755 - Hach Lange - standard
Lot 756 - HANNA Instruments - standard
Lot 757 - Harvard apparatus - standard
Lot 758 - Hellma - standard
Lot 759 - Hettich - standard
Lot 760 - HiMedia - standard
Lot 761 - IHC and ISH including Novocastra and Bond Reagents - standard
Lot 762 - IKA - standard
Lot 763 - Invitrogen Life Science - standard
Lot 764 - Ismatec - standard
Lot 765 - Iso Lab - standard
Lot 766 - KAPABIOSYSTEMS - standard
Lot 767 - Kartell - standard
Lot 768 - Kern - standard
Lot 769 - Kimberly-clark - standard
Lot 770 - Konica Minolta - standard
Lot 771 - Lab Logistics - standard
Lot 772 - LABBOX LABWARE - standard
Lot 773 - Lachner - standard
Lot 774 - Leica - standard
Lot 775 - Lenz Laborglas - standard
Lot 776 - LGC - standard
Lot 777 - LKB - standard
Lot 778 - LLG - standard
Lot 779 - Lonza BioResearch Catalog - standard
Lot 780 - Macherey-Nagel - standard
Lot 781 - Menzel-glaser - standard
Lot 782 - Merck Chemicals&Reagents - standard
Lot 783 - Messer Tehnogas - standard
Lot 784 - Metabion - standard
Lot 785 - Metrohm - standard
Lot 786 - Mettler Toledo - standard
Lot 787 - Micro Princ - standard
Lot 788 - Milestone - standard
Lot 789 - Millipore - standard
Lot 791 - Motic - standard
Lot 792 - Fluke - standard
Lot 793 - National Instruments - standard
Lot 794 - Noack - standard
Lot 795 - NT-MDT House - standard
Lot 796 - Nunc - standard
Lot 797 - Ohaus - standard
Lot 798 - Omnilab-Juergens - standard
Lot 799 - PAA The Cell Culture Company - standard
Lot 800 - PerkinElmer - standard
Lot 802 - Phenomenex, Inc - standard
Lot 803 - Pierce - standard
Lot 804 - Precisa Gravimetrics AG - standard
Lot 805 - Progene Scientific - standard
Lot 806 - Promega - standard
Lot 807 - Qiagen - standard
Lot 808 - R&D Systems - standard
Lot 809 - Radwag - standard
Lot 810 - Reichelt - standard
Lot 811 - Restek-Millitest - standard
Lot 812 - Roche - standard
Lot 813 - Romed - standard
Lot 814 - Romer-Biopar - standard
Lot 815 - RS Components - standard
Lot 816 - Sakura Tissue-Tek - standard
Lot 817 - Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Research Antibodies Catalog - standard
Lot 818 - Sarsted - standard
Lot 819 - Sartorius - standard
Lot 820 - Schott Instruments - standard
Lot 821 - Seco - standard
Lot 822 - Serva - standard
Lot 823 - Shimadzu - standard
Lot 824 - Sigma Life Science - standard
Lot 825 - Socorex - standard
Lot 826 - Spektar Cacak - standard
Lot 827 - Studio Berar Projekt - standard
Lot 828 - Swagelok - standard
Lot 829 - TCI Europe - standard
Lot 830 - Tektronix - standard
Lot 831 - TESTO - standard
Lot 832 - Thermo Fisher hemikalije - standard
Lot 834 - Thorlabs - standard
Lot 835 - Torlak - standard
Lot 836 - USB - standard
Lot 837 - Vectror Laboratories - standard
Lot 838 - Velp - standard
Lot 839 - VWR Laboratory Catalogue - standard
Lot 840 - Waters - standard
Lot 842 - Wenk - standard
Lot 844 - Yulabo - standard
Lot 845 - Zorka farma - standard
Lot 846 - Pfeiffer Vacuum - standard
Lot 847 - Laboratorijske životinje VMA-standard
Lot 848 - Keithley Instruments - standard
Lot 849 - ThermoScientific 2 - standard
DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije 1 - 92KB DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije 2 - 88KB DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije 3 - 89KB PDFIzveštaj o stručnoj oceni ponuda - 176KB DOCJavni Poziv IOP/1-2013/C/4 - 28KB DOCJavni Poziv IOP/1-2013/C/4 - 23KB DOCObaveštenje 1 - 88KB PDFOdluka o dodeli ugovora - 72KB PDFPitanja i odgovori 1 - 638KB PDFPitanja i odgovori 2 - 445KB PDFPitanja i odgovori 3 - 446KB XLSRaspored Lotova IOP/1-2013/C/4 - 14KB XLSRaspored Lotova IOP/1-2013/C/4 - 13KB XLSTabelarni deo izveštaja - 41KB DOCTenderska Dokumentacija IOP/1-2013/C/4 - 151KB DOCTenderska Dokumentacija IOP/1-2013/C/4 - 151KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 23.12.2013. - 760KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 24.12.2013. - 772KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 25.12.2013. - 828KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 26.12.2013. - 757KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 27.12.2013. - 698KB
IOP/1-2014/C/5 - Javna nabavka potrošnog materijala za potrebe naučnoistraživačkih organizacija
PDFOdluka o izmeni Odluke o dodeli ugovora - 150KB

DOCJavni Poziv IOP/1-2014/C/5 - 29KB
DOCTenderska Dokumentacija IOP/1-2014/C/5 - 193KB
FILELista Lotova IOP/1-2014/C/5 - 16KB
DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije IOP/1-2014/C/5 - 91KB
DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije 2 IOP/1-2014/C/5 - 90KB
DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije 3 IOP/1-2014/C/5 - 91KB
DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije 5 IOP/1-2014/C/5 - 91KB
DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije 6 IOP/1-2014/C/5 - 90KB
DOCZahtevi za pojašnjenjem i odgovori 1 - 117KB
DOCZahtevi za pojašnjenjem i odgovori 2 - 106KB
DOCObaveštenje 1 - 21KB

DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije 4 IOP-1-2014-C-5-4 - 90KB

PDFUputstvo za upotrebu Portala za elektronsku korekciju Tenderske dokumentacije - 605KB

Zapisnici sa otvaranja

PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 22.09.2014. - 939KB
PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 23.09.2014. - 1001KB
PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 24.09.2014. - 952KB
PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 25.09.2014. - 896KB
PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 26.09.2014. - 968KB
PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 29.09.2014. - 800KB

PDFOdluka o dodeli ugovora IOP1-2014C5 - 71KB
FILETabelarni izveštaj IOP1-2014C5 - 50KB


XLSLot0900 - Abbott standard
XLSLot0901 - Abcam standard
XLSLot0902 - ABCR standard
XLSLot0903 - ACE GLASS Inc standard
XLSLot0904 - Acros Organic standard
XLSLot0905 - AGA standard
XLSLot0906 - Agar Scientific standard
XLSLot0907 - Agilent standard
XLSLot0908 - Agrisera standard
XLSLot0909 - Ametek standard
XLSLot0910 - Abnova standard
XLSLot0911 - Alfa Aesar standard
XLSLot0912 - Alpco standard
XLSLot0913 - Aviva Systems Biology standard
XLSLot0914 - Beckman Coulter standard
XLSLot0915 - Ambion standard
XLSLot0916 - Ankom standard
XLSLot0917 - Antibody Source Book, AbD serotec standard
XLSLot0918 - AppliChem standard
XLSLot0919 - Applied Biosystems standard
XLSLot0920 - ATCC Cell Biology standard
XLSLot0921 - Avantor Chemicals Catalog (J.T. Baker) standard
XLSLot0922 - Bachem standard
XLSLot0923 - BD bioscience standard
XLSLot0924 - Berghof standard
XLSLot0925 - Biohit standard
XLSLot0926 - BioQuip standard
XLSLot0927 - Biolegend standard
XLSLot0928 - Biological Industries standard
XLSLot0929 - BIOMERIEUX standard
XLSLot0930 - Biometra standard
XLSLot0931 - Biooptica standard
XLSLot0932 - BioRad standard
XLSLot0933 - BioSan standard
XLSLot0934 - Bioanalyse standard
XLSLot0935 - Buehler standard
XLSLot0936 - Boeco standard
XLSLot0937 - Brand standard
XLSLot0938 - Buchi standard
XLSLot0939 - Buerklin standard
XLSLot0940 - Burkle standard
XLSLot0941 - BYK-Gardner standard
XLSLot0942 - Capp standard
XLSLot0943 - Carbolite standard
XLSLot0944 - Carl Roth standard
XLSLot0945 - Carlo Erba standard
XLSLot0946 - Caymanchem standard
XLSLot0947 - Cell Signaling standard
XLSLot0948 - CellBiolabs standard
XLSLot0949 - Centrohem standard
XLSLot0950 - CMA Microdialysis standard
XLSLot0951 - Cole Parmer standard
XLSLot0952 - Comdel standard
XLSLot0953 - Conrad
XLSLot0954 - Campbell Scientific standard
XLSLot0955 - Controls standard
XLSLot0956 - Dako standard
XLSLot0957 - Deltalab standard
XLSLot0958 - Digikey
XLSLot0959 - Distrelec standard
XLSLot0960 - Dr. Ehrenstorfer standard
XLSLot0961 - Drager standard
XLSLot0962 - Duchefa standard
XLSLot0963 - Duran standard
XLSLot0964 - eBioscience standard
XLSLot0965 - Edmund Optics standard
XLSLot0966 - Ehret standard
XLSLot0967 - Eijkelkamp standard
XLSLot0968 - Eksma Optics standard
XLSLot0969 - Elementar standard
XLSLot0970 - Eppendorf standard
XLSLot0971 - EUinstruments standard
XLSLot0972 - Eurofins Operon standard
XLSLot0973 - Euroimmun AG standard
XLSLot0974 - FLIR standard
XLSLot0975 - Eurostandard Cz standard
XLSLot0976 - Exbio standard
XLSLot0977 - Extrasynthese standard
XLSLot0978 - Farnell
XLSLot0979 - Fermentas Life Science standard
XLSLot0980 - FIEM standard
XLSLot0981 - Fisher scientific standard
XLSLot0982 - Fritsch standard
XLSLot0983 - Fujinon standard
XLSLot0984 - Fuel Cell Store standard
XLSLot0985 - Funke Gerber standard
XLSLot0986 - GE Healthcare standard
XLSLot0987 - GE Whatman standard
XLSLot0988 - Elektrotehnika
XLSLot0989 - Elunit standard
XLSLot0990 - Gibco Cell Culture Catalogue standard
XLSLot0991 - Gilson standard
XLSLot0992 - Glassco lab glass standard
XLSLot0993 - Hamamatsu standard
XLSLot0994 - Greiner Bio-one standard
XLSLot0995 - Horiba standard
XLSLot0996 - Hach Lange standard
XLSLot0997 - Hamilton standard
XLSLot0998 - HANNA Instruments standard
XLSLot0999 - Harvard apparatus standard
XLSLot1000 - HBM standard
XLSLot1001 - Heidolph standard
XLSLot1002 - Hellma standard
XLSLot1003 - Haglof standard
XLSLot1004 - Hettich standard
XLSLot1005 - HiMedia standard
XLSLot1006 - Hirschmann Laborgerate standard
XLSLot1007 - IDEXX Laboratories standard
XLSLot1008 - IKA standard
XLSLot1009 - Inhouse standard
XLSLot1010 - Foss standard
XLSLot1011 - Invitrogen Life Science standard
XLSLot1012 - Ismatec standard
XLSLot1013 - Iso Lab standard
XLSLot1014 - KAPABIOSYSTEMS standard
XLSLot1015 - Kartell standard
XLSLot1016 - Kern standard
XLSLot1017 - Kimberly-clark standard
XLSLot1018 - Konica Minolta standard
XLSLot1019 - Keithley standard
XLSLot1020 - Lab M standard
XLSLot1021 - LABBOX LABWARE standard
XLSLot1022 - Labnet standard
XLSLot1023 - Labobnova standard
XLSLot1024 - Lachner standard
XLSLot1025 - Leibniz Institut standard
XLSLot1026 - Leica standard
XLSLot1027 - Leica Geosystems standard
XLSLot1028 - LGC standard
XLSLot1029 - LKB standard
XLSLot1030 - LLG standard
XLSLot1031 - Lonza BioResearch Catalog standard
XLSLot1032 - Macherey-Nagel standard
XLSLot1033 - Matest standard
XLSLot1034 - Menzel standard
XLSLot1035 - Newport standard
XLSLot1036 - Merck Chemicals&Reagents standard
XLSLot1037 - Noack standard
XLSLot1038 - Messer Tehnogas standard
XLSLot1039 - Metabion standard
XLSLot1040 - Metrohm standard
XLSLot1041 - Mettler Toledo standard
XLSLot1042 - Milestone standard
XLSLot1043 - Millipore standard
XLSLot1044 - Miltenyi Biotec standard
XLSLot1045 - Moss and Hemoss standard
XLSLot1046 - Mouser
XLSLot1047 - MP Biomedicals standard
XLSLot1048 - MTI Corporation standard
XLSLot1049 - Mybiosource standard
XLSLot1050 - National Instruments standard
XLSLot1051 - New England Biolabs standard
XLSLot1052 - Nippon Genetics Europe standard
XLSLot1053 - Nikon standard
XLSLot1054 - Nunc standard
XLSLot1055 - Optika standard
XLSLot1056 - Olympus standard
XLSLot1057 - Omnilab-Juergens standard
XLSLot1058 - Oxoid standard
XLSLot1059 - Ocean Optics standard
XLSLot1060 - Panalytical standard
XLSLot1061 - Omega standard
XLSLot1062 - PCE Instruments standard
XLSLot1063 - Peprotech standard
XLSLot1064 - PEQLAB standard
XLSLot1065 - PerkinElmer standard
XLSLot1066 - Pfieffer Vacuum standard
XLSLot1067 - Phenomenex standard
XLSLot1068 - PHOTONIS standard
XLSLot1069 - Pierce standard
XLSLot1070 - Precisa Gravimetrics AG standard
XLSLot1071 - Randox standard
XLSLot1072 - Proceq standard
XLSLot1073 - Promega standard
XLSLot1074 - Qiagen standard
XLSLot1075 - R&D Systems standard
XLSLot1076 - Radwag standard
XLSLot1077 - Roithner standard
XLSLot1078 - Rainin standard
XLSLot1079 - Retsch standard
XLSLot1080 - Roche standard
XLSLot1081 - Romed standard
XLSLot1082 - Romer-Biopar standard
XLSLot1083 - Rogers standard
XLSLot1084 - RS Components standard
XLSLot1085 - R-Biopharm standard
XLSLot1086 - Sacace Biotehnologies standard
XLSLot1087 - SIGMA Laborzentrifugen standard
XLSLot1088 - Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Research Antibodies Catalog standard
XLSLot1089 - Sarsted standard
XLSLot1090 - Sartorius standard
XLSLot1091 - St. Jude Medical standard
XLSLot1092 - Serva standard
XLSLot1093 - Shimadzu standard
XLSLot1094 - Sigma Life Science standard
XLSLot1095 - Statens Serum standard
XLSLot1096 - Sisgeo standard
XLSLot1097 - Socorex standard
XLSLot1098 - Struers standard
XLSLot1099 - Siemens standard
XLSLot1100 - Spektar Cacak standard
XLSLot1101 - Stem Cell Technologies standard
XLSLot1102 - VIMS Elektrik standard
XLSLot1103 - TA Instruments standard
XLSLot1104 - TCI Europe standard
XLSLot1105 - Tecna standard
XLSLot1106 - Tecniplast standard
XLSLot1107 - Tehnosklo standard
XLSLot1108 - Tekno standard
XLSLot1109 - Tektronix standard
XLSLot1110 - TESTO standard
XLSLot1111 - TGI lab glass standard
XLSLot1112 - Thermo Fisher standard
XLSLot1113 - Thorlabs standard
XLSLot1114 - Ted Pella standard
XLSLot1115 - TKA Teknolabo standard
XLSLot1116 - Tlos standard
XLSLot1117 - Torlak standard
XLSLot1118 - UCT standard
XLSLot1119 - USB standard
XLSLot1120 - Vac-star standard
XLSLot1121 - Vector Laboratories standard
XLSLot1122 - Velp Scientifica standard
XLSLot1123 - VWR Laboratory Catalogue standard
XLSLot1124 - Waters standard
XLSLot1125 - Watson-Marlow standard
XLSLot1126 - Wenk standard
XLSLot1127 - WTW standard
XLSLot1128 - Yulabo standard
XLSLot1129 - Zeiss standard
XLSLot1130 - Zorka farma standard
XLSLot1131 - Zymo Research standard
XLSLot1132 - Vata
XLSLot1133 - Alati
XLSLot1134 - Mali mikroskopi
XLSLot1135 - SPECS standard
XLSLot1136 - Sitna laboratorijska oprema
XLSLot1137 - Sitan potrosni materijal
XLSLot1139 - Metali
XLSLot1140 - Amtast standard
XLSLot1141 - Rohde&Schwarz standard
XLSLot1142 - AirScience standard
XLSLot1143 - Siemens Healthcare standard
XLSLot1144 - BD Medical standard
XLSLot1145 - Motic standard
XLSLot1146 - Partec standard
XLSLot1147 - Gerhardt standard
XLSLot1148 - SPECTRO Analytical Instruments standard
XLSLot1149 - Thermo Scientific 2 standard
XLSLot1150 - Vitlab standard
XLSLot1151 - Roche Multiplate standard
XLSLot1152 - Phoenix Instrument standard
XLSLot1153 - Sempermed standard
XLSLot1154 - AVL standard
XLSLot1155 - Finnpipette standard
XLSLot1156 - Memmert standard
XLSLot1157 - Casella standard
XLSLot1158 - Microbiologics standard
XLSLot1159 - Bio Logic standard
XLSLot1160 - LOT-Quantum Design standard
XLSLot1161 - Spectrumlabs standrad
XLSLot1162 - Antitela
XLSLot1163 - Davis instruments standard
XLSLot1164 - Si Analytics standard
XLSLot1165 - GE Healthcare Dharmacon standard
XLSLot1166 - Lovibond standard
XLSLot1167 - KNF standard
XLSLot1168 - Faster standard
XLSLot1169 - Martin Christ standard
XLSLot1170 - Endress+Hauser standard
XLSLot1171 - Thermo Scientific Labvision standard
XLSLot1172 - Malvern standard
XLSLot1173 - APC standard
XLSLot1174 - Alserteknik standard
XLSLot1175 - Biokit standard
XLSLot1176 - Instrumentation laboratory standard
XLSLot1177 - Keysight Tech standard
XLSLot1178 - Biochrom standard
DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije 2 IOP/1-2014/C/5 - 90KB DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije 3 IOP/1-2014/C/5 - 91KB DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije 4 IOP-1-2014-C-5-4 - 90KB DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije 5 IOP/1-2014/C/5 - 91KB DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije 6 IOP/1-2014/C/5 - 90KB DOCIzmena Tenderske Dokumentacije IOP/1-2014/C/5 - 91KB DOCJavni Poziv IOP/1-2014/C/5 - 29KB XLSLista Lotova IOP/1-2014/C/5 - 16KB DOCObaveštenje 1 - 21KB PDFOdluka o dodeli ugovora IOP1-2014C5 - 71KB PDFOdluka o izmeni Odluke o dodeli ugovora - 150KB XLSTabelarni izveštaj IOP1-2014C5 - 50KB DOCTenderska Dokumentacija IOP/1-2014/C/5 - 193KB PDFUputstvo za upotrebu Portala za elektronsku korekciju Tenderske dokumentacije - 605KB DOCZahtevi za pojašnjenjem i odgovori 1 - 117KB DOCZahtevi za pojašnjenjem i odgovori 2 - 106KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 22.09.2014. - 887KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 22.09.2014. - 939KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 23.09.2014. - 938KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 23.09.2014. - 1001KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 24.09.2014. - 952KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 25.09.2014. - 896KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 26.09.2014. - 968KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 29.09.2014. - 800KB
IOP/2-2015/C/6 - Javna nabavka potrošnog materijala za potrebe naučnoistraživačkih organizacija
Претходни расписи
PDFIzmena br. 8 - 35KB PDFIzmena br. 7 - 15KB PDFIzmena br. 6 - 11KB PDFIzmena br. 5 - 12KB PDFIzmena br. 4 - 15KB PDFIzmena br. 3 - 17KB PDFIzmena br. 2 - 14KB PDFIzmena br. 1 - 16KB
Јавни позиви
PDFObaveštenje o produženju roka za podnošenje ponuda - 10KB DOCKonkursna dokumentacija - ISPRAVLJENA - 661KB DOCKonkursna dokumentacija - 703KB DOCJavni poziv - 27KB
Подаци из конкурсних документација
XLSLot013-Carl Roth Standard - 158KB XLSLot052-Sigma Life Science Standard - 369KB FILELot067-Glass labware - 658KB XLSLot036-National Instruments Standard - 27KB XLSLot057-Thermo Scientific Standard - 39KB XLSLot047-Retsch standard - 22KB XLSLot042-Omnilab Juergens Standard - 44KB XLSLot072-Assessment Equipment - 16KB XLSLot071-Small laboratory instruments - 55KB XLSLot070-Pipette tips - 72KB XLSLot069-Slides Covers Boxes - 44KB XLSLot068-Plastic labware - 69KB XLSLot066-Labware assorted - 79KB XLSLot065-Gloves - 52KB XLSLot064-Petri dishes - 35KB XLSLot063-Small Laboratory Consumables - 57KB XLSLot062-Composite material - 22KB XLSLot061-Waters Standard - 20KB XLSLot060-VWR Standard - 54KB XLSLot059-TSI Standard - 16KB XLSLot058-Thorlabs Standard - 76KB XLSLot056-Testo Standard - 27KB XLSLot055-Tektronix Standard - 19KB XLSLot054-TA Instruments Standard - 20KB XLSLot053-St.Jude Medical standard - 15KB XLSLot051-Shimadzu Standard - 26KB XLSLot050-Serva Standard - 44KB XLSLot049-Sarstedt Standard - 69KB XLSLot048-Santa Cruz Standard - 35KB XLSLot046-Radwag standard - 22KB XLSLot045-R&D Systems standard - 32KB XLSLot044-Qiagen Standard - 30KB XLSLot043-Pierce Standard - 24KB XLSLot041-Olympus standard - 19KB XLSLot040-Nunc Standard - 35KB XLSLot039-Noack Standard - 25KB XLSLot038-Nikon Standard - 21KB XLSLot037-Newport Standard - 17KB XLSLot035-MTI Corporation Standard - 39KB XLSLot034-Millipore Standard - 33KB XLSLot033-Milestone Standard - 19KB XLSLot032-Mettler Toledo Standard - 23KB XLSLot031-Merck Standard - 37KB XLSLot030-LLG Standard - 151KB XLSLot029-Leica Standard - 23KB XLSLot028-Labbox Labware Standard - 79KB XLSLot027-Keithley Standard - 18KB XLSLot026-Kappa Biosystems Standard - 27KB XLSLot025-Invitrogen LIfe Science Standard - 54KB XLSLot024-IKA Standard - 31KB XLSLot023-HBM Standard - 29KB XLSLot022-Haglof Standard - 17KB XLSLot021-Fritsch standard - 24KB XLSLot020-Fluke Standard - 22KB XLSLot019-Flir standard - 18KB XLSLot018-Fermentas Life Science Standard - 52KB XLSLot017-Eppendorf Standard - 63KB XLSLot016-Ejikelkamp Standard - 20KB XLSLot015-Dako Standard - 25KB XLSLot014-Cole Parmer Standard - 45KB XLSLot012-Buehler Standard- izmena - 23KB XLSLot011-Buchi Standard - 35KB XLSLot010-BioRad Standard - 26KB XLSLot009-Biopac Systems Standard - 16KB XLSLot008-Biologic Standard - 17KB XLSLot007-Applied Biosystems Standard - 49KB XLSLot006-Anton Paar Standard - 16KB XLSLot005-Alfa Aesar Standard - 67KB XLSLot004-Agilent Standard - 53KB XLSLot003-Acros Organic Standard - 77KB XLSLot002-Abcam Standard - 43KB XLSLot001-Abbott Standard - 20KB
Питања и одговори
PDFPojašnjenje br. 7 - 45KB PDFPojašnjenje br. 6 - 70KB PDFPojašnjenje br. 5 - 194KB PDFPojašnjenje br. 4 - 30KB PDFPojašnjenje br. 3 - 24KB PDFPojašnjenje br. 2 - 10KB PDFPojašnjenje br. 1 - 17KB
Обавештења о спроведеним поступцима
PDFOdluka o obustavi postupka - 3420KB PDFOdluka o dodeli ugovora - 3808KB PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda IOP/02-2015/C/6 - 1123KB PDFZapisnik o otvaranju ponuda IOP/02-2015/C/6 - 13368KB
Остале информације
DOCUputstvo za slanje predloga za korekciju tenderske dokumentacije u pogledu tehničke specifikacije lotova - 13KB
Претходни расписи
PDFIzmena br.7 - 199KB PDFIzmena br.6 - 213KB PDFIzmena br.5 - 256KB PDFIzmena br.4 - 210KB PDFIzmena br.3 - 266KB PDFIzmena br.2 - 315KB PDFIzmena br. 1 - 208KB
Јавни позиви
DOCTenderska dokumentacija - 702KB DOCBidding Documents - 509KB DOCJavni poziv IOP/04-2015/C/7 - 27KB
Подаци из конкурсних документација
XLSLot 193 - Sartorius Standard - 23KB XLSLot 132 - eBioscience Standard - 20KB XLSLot 219 - Laboratorijsko posuđe - 54KB XLSLot 162 - Keysight Technologies - 15KB XLSLot 232 -Tehnicki gasovi - 46KB XLSLot 220 - Mikroskopi - 19KB XLSLot 181 - Omega Standard - 22KB XLSLot 174 - Memmert Standard - 18KB XLSLot 150 - Hach lange Standard - 18KB XLSLot 138 - EUinstruments Standard - 19KB XLSLot 209 - Zymo Research Standard - 15KB XLSLot 199 - Thermo Scientific Standard oprema - 19KB XLSLot 188 - Phenomenex Standard - 21KB XLSLot 146 - GE Healthcare Standard - 23KB XLSLot 117 - BIOMERIEUX Standard - 18KB XLSLot 197 - Ted Pella Standard - 16KB XLSLot 190 - Rainin Standard - 16KB XLSLot 177 - Netzsch Standard - 15KB XLSLot 170 - Macherey-Nagel Standard - 15KB XLSLot 167 - Lonza BioResearch Standard - 14KB XLSLot 164 - Lachner Standard - 33KB XLSLot 154 - Harvard apparatus Standard - 15KB XLSLot 151 - Hamamatsu Photonics Standard - 12KB XLSLot 148 - Gilson Standard - 16KB XLSLot 147 - Gibco Cell Culture Catalogue Standard - 19KB XLSLot 144 - Fisher scientific Standard - 38KB XLSLot 142 - Extrasynthese Standard - 26KB XLSLot 135 - Elementar Standard - 13KB XLSLot 121 - Brand Standard - 31KB XLSLot 119 - Biosan Standard - 17KB XLSLot 115 - Biolegend Standard - 17KB XLSLot 106 - Avantor Standard - 19KB XLSLot 218 - Kardiografija - 17KB XLSLot 201 - Torlak Standard - 31KB XLSLot 200 - TKA Standard - 12KB XLSLot 191 - Roche Standard - 17KB XLSLot 189 - Pine Research Instrumentation Standard - 15KB XLSLot 185 - PEQLAB Standard - 20KB XLSLot 183 - Panalytical Standard - 16KB XLSLot 178 - Nippon Genetics Europe Standard - 14KB XLSLot 166 - LGC Standard - 21KB XLSLot 160 - Iso lab Standard - 26KB XLSLot 139 - Euroimmun AG Standard - 17KB XLSLot 129 - Contact Precision Instruments Standard - 15KB XLSLot 122 - Bruel and Kjaer Standard - 15KB XLSLot 112 - Bd Diagnostics Standard - 22KB XLSLot 105 - ATCC Cell Biology Standard - 20KB XLSLot 102 - Ambion Standard - 13KB XLSLot 216-Alati - 46KB XLSLot 206 -WTW Standard - 20KB XLSLot 179 - Norsonic Standard - 14KB XLSLot 161-Kern Standard - 21KB XLSLot 222-Plemeniti metali - 14KB XLSLot 229 - UPS sistemi - 18KB XLSLot 221-Elektrotehnika-multimetri, logeri, napajanja, generatori - 26KB XLSLot 213 - Elektron - 15KB XLSLot 187-Pfieffer Vacuum Standard - 21KB XLSLot 152-Hameg Standard - 17KB XLSLot 136 - Elma Ultrasonic Standard - 16KB XLSLot 127-Cell Signaling Standard - 23KB XLSLot 111-BD Bioscience Standard - 27KB XLSLot 104 - Applichem Standard - 26KB XLSLot231-Struers Standard - 18KB XLSLot230-Edmund Optics Standard - 16KB XLSLot228-Test oprema Qness Standard - 14KB XLSLot227-Stomatološka oprema - 18KB XLSLot226-Sistem za merenje mišićne sile - 14KB XLSLot225-Promega Standard - 15KB XLSLot224-Senzori Robotika - 17KB XLSLot223-RS Components - 19KB XLSLot217-Elektrotehnika - 56KB XLSLot215-Zavod za fiziku tehničkih fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu-Sistem specijalne namene - 16KB XLSLot214-Farnell - 51KB XLSLot212-EEG oprema - 17KB XLSLot211-Digikey - 31KB XLSLot210-Conrad - 38KB XLSLot208-Zorka Standard - 32KB XLSLot207-Zeiss Standard - 17KB XLSLot205-Weller Standard - 16KB XLSLot204-Watson-Marlow Standard - 13KB XLSLot203-Vims Elektrik Standard - 15KB XLSLot202-Velp Scientifica Standard - 16KB XLSLot198- Texas Instruments - 22KB XLSLot196-Sysmex Standard - 14KB XLSLot195-SPI Supplies-Structure Probe Standard - 18KB XLSLot194-SI Scientific Instruments - 14KB XLSLot192-Roithner Lasertechnik Standard - 16KB XLSLot186-PerkinElmer Standard - 17KB XLSLot184-PCE Instruments Standard - 20KB XLSLot182-OT Bioelecttronica Standard - 13KB XLSLot180-Ocean Optics Standard - 18KB XLSLot176-Motic Standard - 19KB XLSLot175-Metrohm Standard - 17KB XLSLot173-Matest Standard - 20KB XLSLot172-Martin Christ Standard - 13KB XLSLot171-Malvern Standard - 15KB XLSLot169-LOT-QUANTUM DESIGN Standard - 16KB XLSLot168-Lotis TII Standard - 13KB XLSLot165-Leica Geosystems Standard - 19KB XLSLot163-Labnet Standard - 18KB XLSLot159-Ionicon Analytik Standard - 14KB XLSLot158-Imetrum Standard - 14KB XLSLot157-IBA Dosimetry Standard - 15KB XLSLot156-Hettich Standard - 19KB XLSLot155- Heidolph Standard - 15KB XLSLot153-Harmonic Drive Standard - 15KB XLSLot149 - Greiner Bio One Standard - 23KB XLSLot145-Foss Standard - 17KB XLSLot143-Finnpipette Standard - 16KB XLSLot141-Extech Standard - 15KB XLSLot140-Eurostandard CZ Standard - 17KB XLSLot137-Enraf Standard - 13KB XLSLot134-Elektronika Standard - 24KB XLSLot133-Eksma Optics standard - 22KB XLSLot131-Cusabio Standard - 15KB XLSLot130-Controls Standard - 23KB XLSLot128 - CellBiolabs Standard - 15KB XLSLot126-Caymanchem Standard - 17KB XLSLot125-Canberra Pakard Standard - 14KB XLSLot124-BYK Gardner Standard - 14KB XLSLot123-Bruker Standard - 17KB XLSLot120-Boeco Standard - 16KB XLSLot118-Biometra Standard - 16KB XLSLot116-Biological Industries Standard - 17KB XLSLot114-Biochrom Standard - 13KB XLSLot113-Beckmann Coulter Standard - 16KB XLSLot110-Bandelin Standard - 16KB XLSLot109-AVL Standard - 15KB XLSLot108-Aviva Standard - 17KB XLSLot107-Avio Standard - 15KB XLSLot103- Ankom Standard - 13KB XLSLot101 - Amandus Kahl Standard - 14KB XLSLot100-AAronia Standard - 16KB
Питања и одговори
PDFPojašnjenje br.4 - 301KB PDFPojašnjenje br.3 - 412KB PDFPojašnjenje br.2 - 416KB PDFPojašnjenje br.1 - 423KB
Обавештења о спроведеним поступцима
PDFOdluka o obustavi - 2162KB PDFOdluka o dodeli ugovora - 2309KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda IOP 04 2015 C 7 (29.09.2015.) - 1318KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda IOP 04 2015 C 7 (28.09.2015.) - 1525KB
Остале информације
DOCUputstvo za slanje predloga za korekciju tenderske dokumentacije u pogledu tehničke specifikacije lotova - 15KB
IOP/05-2015/C/8 - Nabavka laboratorijskog potrošnog materijala za potrebe naučno istraživačkih organizacija
Претходни расписи
PDFIzmena br. 3 - 136KB PDFIzmena br.2 - 137KB PDFIzmena br.1 - 135KB
Јавни позиви
DOCTenderska dokumentacija - 725KB DOCJavni poziv IOP/05-2015/C/8 - 21KB
Подаци из конкурсних документација
XLSLot339 - Julabo Standard - 14KB XLSLot349-Metabion Standard - 49KB XLSLot 381 - Vector Laboratories - 15KB XLSLot371-Setaram Standard - 15KB XLSLot351-Miltenyi Biotec Standard - 15KB XLSLot338-Illumina Standard - 14KB XLSLot322-Enzo Life Sciences Standard - 14KB XLSLot311-Capricorn Scientific Standard - 19KB XLSLot362-Phoenix Standard - 15KB XLSLot402-Vakuumske mašine-pakerice - 16KB XLSLot398-Analizator gasova - 16KB XLSLot344-Lab M Standard - 22KB XLSLot320-Ehret Standard - 19KB XLSLot315-Centrohem Standard - 37KB XLSLot401-Distrelec Standard - 17KB XLSLot400-Sitna laboratorijska oprema - 15KB XLSLot399-Merni instrumenti - 15KB XLSLot397-Thermal energetics supplies - 14KB XLSLot396-Pumpe i prateća oprema - 14KB XLSLot395-Potrošni materijal za plazmatron - 13KB XLSLot394-Pčelarska oprema - 16KB XLSLot393-Monokristali - 14KB XLSLot392-Medicinski reagensi - 15KB XLSLot391-Laboratorijske životinje - 21KB XLSLot390-Igle i špricevi - 24KB XLSLot389-Hranilica za svinje - 14KB XLSLot388-Hemikalije - 17KB XLSLot387-Handeld Y X ray - 14KB XLSLot386-Gerdienov sistem elektroda - 13KB XLSLot385-Destilacija - 14KB XLSLot384-Buerklin - 16KB XLSLot383-Antitela - 15KB XLSLot382-Akvarijum-pumpe i filteri - 15KB XLSLot380-Unfors RaySafe Standard - 14KB XLSLot379-Tecniplast Standard - 15KB XLSLot378-TCI Europe Standard - 22KB XLSLot377-Sykes-Pickavant Standard - 15KB XLSLot376-Statens Serum Standard - 19KB XLSLot375-Spectrumlabs Standard - 13KB XLSLot374-Specs Standard - 14KB XLSLot373- Socorex Standard - 14KB XLSLot372 - Siemens Healthcare Standard - 13KB XLSLot370-Semrock Standard - 17KB XLSLot369- Sacace Biotechnologies Standard - 14KB XLSLot368-Sakura Tissue Standard - 15KB XLSLot367-Romer Biopar Standard - 13KB XLSLot366-Rigol Standard - 14KB XLSLot365-Reichelt Standard - 20KB XLSLot364-R-BiopharmStandard - 15KB XLSLot363-Randox Standard - 22KB XLSLot361-Peprotech Standard - 21KB XLSLot360-Partec Standard - 16KB XLSLot359-Oxoid Standard - 17KB XLSLot358-Optika Standrad - 14KB XLSLot357-Omano Standard - 19KB XLSLot356-Ohaus Standard - 20KB XLSLot355-NT MDT Standard - 16KB XLSLot354-Moss&Hemoss Standard - 25KB XLSLot353-New England Biolabs Standard - 15KB XLSLot352-MP Biomedicals Standard - 21KB XLSLot350-Millitest Standard - 19KB XLSLot348-Megazyme Standard - 15KB XLSLot347-Magstim Standard - 13KB XLSLot346-Lovibond Standard - 15KB XLSLot345-Thermo Labvision Standard - 18KB XLSLot343-Kurt J. Lesker Standard - 17KB XLSLot342-Kruuse Standard - 21KB XLSLot341-KNF Standard - 15KB XLSLot340-Kentek Standard - 14KB XLSLot337-Horiba Standard - 19KB XLSLot336-HiMedia Standard - 21KB XLSLot335-Hellma Standard - 17KB XLSLot334-Hanna Instruments Standard - 23KB XLSLot333-Hamilton Standard - 23KB XLSLot332-GFL Standard - 21KB XLSLot331-GE Whatman Standard - 21KB XLSLot330-Funke Gerber Standard - 16KB XLSLot329-Femto Standard - 13KB XLSLot328-Faster Standard - 20KB XLSLot327-Falc Standard - 20KB XLSLot326-Experimetria Standard - 15KB XLSLot325-Eutech Standard - 15KB XLSLot324-Euromex Standard - 20KB XLSLot323-Eurofins Operon Standard - 21KB XLSLot321-Elunit Standard - 18KB XLSLot319-Duchefa Standard - 19KB XLSLot318-Dr. Ehrenstorfer Standard - 20KB XLSLot317-Corning Standard - 17KB XLSLot316-Consort Standard - 16KB XLSLot314-Carstens Medizinelektornik Standard - 14KB XLSLot313-Carlo Erba Standard - 23KB XLSLot312-Carbolite Standard - 16KB XLSLot310-Capp Standard - 26KB XLSLot309- Campbell Scientific standard - 13KB XLSLot308-Burkle Standard - 15KB XLSLot307 - BioRad standard - 25KB XLSLot306-Biooptica Standard - 18KB XLSLot305-Atomtex Standard - 13KB XLSLot304- Agrisera Standard - 14KB XLSLot303-Agar Scientific Standard - 17KB XLSLot302-Ace Glass Standard - 15KB XLSLot301-Accustandard Standard - 22KB XLSLot300-ABCR Standard - 17KB
Питања и одговори
PDFPojašnjenje br.4 - 206KB PDFPojašnjenje br.3 - 229KB PDFPojašnjenje br. 2 - 210KB PDFPoješnjenje br.1 - 215KB
Обавештења о спроведеним поступцима
PDFOdluka o obustavi - 4047KB PDFOdluka o dodeli ugovora - 4403KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 19.11.2015.godine - 1006KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 18.11.2015.godine - 1272KB
Остале информације
PDFOdluka o izmeni ugovora lot 397 - 110KB PDFObaveštenje o zaključenim ugovorima - 233KB DOCUputstvo za slanje predloga za korekciju tenderske dokumentacije u pogledu tehničke specifikacije lotova (1) - 14KB
IOP/06-2015/G - Nabavka stručne literature za potrebe naučnoistraživačkih organizacija
Претходни расписи
PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda - 139KB PDFIzmena br.5 - 264KB PDFIzmena br. 4 - 136KB PDFIzmena br. 3 - 136KB PDFIzmena br. 2 - 136KB PDFIzmena br. 1 - 129KB
Јавни позиви
DOCTenderska dokumentacija - 697KB PDFObaveštenje br. 3 o produženju roka za podnošenje ponuda - 248KB PDFObaveštenje br. 2 o produženju roka za podnošenje ponuda - 248KB PDFObaveštenje o produženju roka za podnošenje ponuda - 248KB DOCJavni poziv - IOP/06-2015/G - 17KB
Подаци из конкурсних документација
XLSTehnička specifikacija (obrazac struktura cene) - 413KB
Питања и одговори
PDFPojašnjenje br.3 - 219KB PDFPojašnjenje br. 2 - 214KB PDFPojašnjenje br.1 - 254KB
Обавештења о спроведеним поступцима
DOCObaveštenje o zaključenom ugovoru - 29KB
Остале информације
PDFOdluka o dodeli ugovora - 501KB
IOP/13-2015/C/09 - Nabavka laboratorijskog potrošnog materijala za potrebe naučno istraživačkih organizacija
Претходни расписи
PDFIzmena br.8 - 92KB PDFIzmena br. 7 - 138KB PDFIzmena br. 6 - 138KB PDFIzmena br. 5 - 139KB PDFIzmena br. 4 - 138KB DOCIzmena br. 3 - 46KB PDFIzmena pojašnjenja br.1 - 364KB DOCIzmena br.2 - 47KB DOCIzmena br.1 - 47KB
Јавни позиви
PDFIzmena Obaveštenja o produženju roka za podnošenje ponuda br.2 - 249KB DOCObaveštenje o produženju roka za podnošenje ponuda - 13KB DOCJavni poziv za podnošenje ponuda IOP13-2015C9 - 21KB DOCTenderska dokumentacija - IOP/13-2015/C/09 - 718KB
Подаци из конкурсних документација
XLSLot 581-Life Science Reagents - 20KB XLSLot 548 - Sitna laboratorijska oprema - 16KB XLSLot 534 - PerkinElmer - 14KB XLSLot 670 - SKF - 14KB XLSLot 592 - LLG - 15KB XLSLot 567 - Watson-Marlow - 14KB XLSLot 444 -Laboratorijska presa - 15KB XLSLot 692 - Oprema za 3-D mapiranje objekata - 13KB XLSLot 691- Merenje tvrdoce - 14KB XLSLot 588 - VICAM - 13KB XLSLot 573 - Milwaukee - 14KB XLSlot 568-Waveform Generator - 14KB XLSLot 582 - Tridelta Elisa kitovi - 11KB XLSLot 466 - Elektrotehničke komponente II - 30KB XLSLot 443 -Elektricni senzori i sonde za laboratorijske zivotinje - 13KB XLSLot 564 -Vakum ukuvači i prateća oprema - 15KB XLSLot 410 - Poljoprivreda - 13KB XLSLot 656 - PAA The Cell Culture Company - 18KB XLSLot 603 - Interscience - 13KB XLSLot 424 - Merni uredaji i kalibratori - 13KB XLSLot 690 - Ved x-ray - 10KB XLSLot 689 - VACOM Vakuum - 11KB XLSLot 688 - Uredjaji za uzorkovanje I mlevenje sa pratećom opremom - 14KB XLSLot 687 - Tripette&Renaud - 12KB XLSLot 686 - Transtecno - 10KB XLSLot 685 - TopElcoDis - 11KB XLSLot 684 - Tinius Olsen - 13KB XLSLot 683 - ThingMagic - 10KB XLSLot 682 - Test oprema Qness - 13KB XLSLot 681 - TESA - 11KB XLSLot 679 - Tecnalia - 10KB XLSLot 678 - SYMPULS - 10KB XLSLot 677 - Sunrise Instruments - 11KB XLSLot 676 - StellarNet Inc - 10KB XLSLot 675 - Steam Generator - 13KB XLSLot 674 - SONOTEC - 11KB XLSLot 673 - Solmetric Corporation - 10KB XLSLot 672 - Soilmoisture Equipment - 10KB XLSLot 671 - SMT medical - 11KB XLSLot 669 - Sistem za merenje mišićne sile - 13KB XLSLot 668 - Sierzega Elektronik - 10KB XLSLot 667 - SI Scientific Instruments - 14KB XLSLot 666 - Siemens Healthcare - 13KB XLSLot 665 - SENIS - 11KB XLSLot 664 - SBIG Astronomical - 11KB XLSLot 663 - Rockwell indenter - 13KB XLSLot 662 - PYRO CONTROLE - 10KB XLSLot 661 - ProTec Bioseparation - 11KB XLSLot 660 - Point Grey Research GmbH - 11KB XLSLot 659 - Piezotech S.A.S - 11KB XLSLot 658 - Patho-service - 11KB XLSLot 657 - Palm Sens BV - 10KB XLSLot 655 - Ortec - 13KB XLSLot 654 - Ondax - 10KB XLSLot 653 - Omniinstruments - 10KB XLSLot 652 - Kavezi - 11KB XLSLot 651 - Kanali za vazduh - 11KB XLSLot 650 - Hidroturbina - 11KB XLSLot 649 - Elektronska vaga - 10KB XLSLot 648 - Elektronika II - 15KB XLSLot 647 - Double Syringe Pump - 11KB XLSLot 645 - Witeg - 11KB XLSLot 644 - VM Senzori - 14KB XLSLot 643 - Oegussa - 10KB XLSLot 642 - NuVant System - 13KB XLSLot 641 - Novus Biologicals - 14KB XLSLot 640 - Nanopartz - 13KB XLSLot 639 - Monitor zračenja - 13KB XLSLot 638 - MOFLON TECHNOLOGY - 13KB XLSLot 637 - MKS Instruments.xlsx - 13KB XLSLot 636 - MISUMI Europa - 13KB XLSLot 635 - Mini Circuits - 13KB XLSLot 634 - Midwest Scientific - 13KB XLSLot 633 - Microresist technology - 13KB XLSLot 632 - MicroChemicals - 13KB XLSLot 631 -Metrolux optische Messtechnik - 13KB XLSLot 630 -Metkon Instruments - 13KB XLSLot 629 -Mengel Engineering - 13KB XLSLot 628 -McPherson - 13KB XLSLot 627 -Maxeler - 13KB XLSLot 626 -MaTecK - 14KB XLSLot 625 -Mašinski elementi - 14KB XLSLot 624 -Maquet - 10KB XLSLot 623 - Odvojni transformator - 13KB XLSLot 622 - Logos Biosystems - 13KB XLSLot 621 - Linkam Scientific - 13KB XLSLot 620 - Linari Engeneering - 14KB XLSLot 619 - Kation Europe Bt - 13KB XLSLot 618 - Liberty Test Equipment - 13KB XLSLot 617 - Laurell Technologies - 14KB XLSLot 616 - Lafayette Instrument - 14KB XLSLot 615 - Lady Bug Power Sensor - 13KB XLSLot 614 - Koncentrat za piliće - 13KB XLSLot 613 - Komplet za vizuelnu kontrolu - 13KB XLSLot 612 - Komora za rast biljaka - 13KB XLSLot 611 - Kistler - 13KB XLSLot 610 - Kinematica - 13KB XLSLot 609 - KANOMAX - 13KB XLSLot 608 - John Caunt Scientific - 13KB XLSLot 607 - ISOVER Timber Construction - 10KB XLSLot 606 - IsoStark - 13KB XLSLot 605 - Iseg Standard - 13KB XLSLot 604 -IntraAction Corp - 13KB XLSLot 602 -INSTEC - 14KB XLSLot 601 -Inovative Photonics Solutions Standard - 13KB XLSLot 600 -INA Schaeffler - 13KB XLSLot 599 -IML Instrumenta Mechanik Labor Systems - 14KB XLSLot 598 -GPS i radni stolovi - simulatori za studente - 14KB XLSLot 597 -Frekventni regulatori i transmiteri pritiska - 15KB XLSLot 596 -Envisiontec - 13KB XLSLot 595 -CEM - 14KB XLSLot 594 -Infrared kamera - 10KB XLSLot 591 - Oroboros - 13KB XLSLot 590 - ETher NDE - 13KB XLSLot 589 - Yokogawa - 11KB XLSLot 586 - UCT - 13KB XLSLot 584 - Turn Key Project - 10KB XLSLot 583 - TRISKEM - 11KB XLSLot 580 - Spectrum Technologies - 14KB XLSLot 579 - RS Components - 18KB XLSLot 578 - Roithner Lasertechnik - 16KB XLSLot 577 - Plemeniti metali - 14KB XLSLot 576 - Oprema za motoricko merenje - 10KB XLSLot 575 - Oprema za automobile - 11KB XLSLot 574- National Physical Lab Standard - 13KB XLSLot 572 - Merne celije - 14KB XLSLot 571 - Zorka - 30KB XLSLot 570 -Zavarivačka oprema - 17KB XLSLot 569 -Zastitna oprema I potrosni materijal - 23KB XLSLot 566 -Vakuum susnica - 10KB XLSLot 565 -Vakuum pumpa - 11KB XLSLot 562 -Tube i posude - 11KB XLSLot 561 -Tobii - 10KB XLSLot 560 - Thermo Scientific - 15KB XLSLot 559 - Texas Instruments - 22KB XLSLot 558 - Testiranje materijala - 17KB XLSLot 557 - Test oprema - 11KB XLSLot 556 - Tenziometrijska platforma - 13KB XLSLot 555 - Swiss concept sciences - 11KB XLSLot 554 - Swagelok - 15KB XLSLot 553 - Stomatološka oprema - 18KB XLSLot 552- Stanford Research Systems - 11KB XLSLot 551 - Southern Scientific Ltd - 10KB XLSLot 550 - Small laboratory instruments - 51KB XLSLot 549 - SlUl - 11KB XLSLot 547 - Senzori pritiska - 11KB XLSLot 546 - Science Product - 15KB XLSLot 545 - Sartorius - 21KB XLSLot 544 - Response pad and stimulii presentation - 16KB XLSLot 543 - Radio talasni noz - 10KB XLSLot 542 - Princeton Applied Research - 12KB XLSLot 541 - Pragma Industries - 11KB XLSLot 540 - Porometri - 14KB XLSLot 539 - Poljoprivreda-đubrivo - 16KB XLSLot 538 - Poligraf - 13KB XLSLot 537 - Philips Respironics - 20KB XLSLot 536 - Phenom-World BV - 11KB XLSLot 535 - Pfeuffer - 10KB XLSLot 533 - Pelet C Mašine - 10KB XLSLot 532- PCE Instruments - 20KB XLSLot 531 - Parr - 19KB XLSLot 530 - OT Bioelecttronica - 13KB XLSLot 529 - Oprema za proizvodnju sira - 11KB XLSLot 528 - Oprema za proizvodnju jogurta - 12KB XLSLot 527 - Oprema za posmatranje laboratorijskih zivotinja - 14KB XLSLot 526 - Oprema za osmatranje - 13KB XLSLot 525 - Onset - 14KB XLSLot 524 - Metrohm - 16KB XLSLot 523 - Metali - 17KB XLSLot 522 - Merna oprema - 20KB XLSLot 521 - Merna folija - 11KB XLSLot 520 - Mercodia - 13KB XLSLot 519 - Macherey Nagel - 13KB XLSLot 518 - Oriel Standard - 13KB XLSLot 517 - IoLiTec Ionic Liquids - 19KB XLSLot 516 - Kompresor i dodatna oprema - 11KB XLSLot 515 - Ismate - 15KB XLSLot 514 - Ionicon Analytik - 13KB XLSLot 513 - Inkubatori - 11KB XLSLot 512 - INEP - 13KB XLSLot 510 - Implanti - 13KB XLSLot 509 - ICL International CL Standard - 14KB XLSLot 508 - Hysitron - 13KB XLSLot 507 - Hranilice - 13KB XLSLot 506 - HOLOEYE Photonics standard - 13KB XLSLot 505 - Hioki - 19KB XLSLot 504 - Hidraulični cilindri i prateća oprema - 12KB XLSLot 503 - Hidraulična presa - 11KB XLSLot 502 - Eppendorf - 12KB XLSLot 501 - Hematološki analizator - 10KB XLSLot 500 - Harmonic Drive - 14KB XLSLot 499 - Hansatech instruments standard - 14KB XLSLot 498 - Haglof Standard - 14KB XLSLot 497 - Group 3 Technology - 13KB XLSLot 496 - Goodfellow - 14KB XLSLot 495 - Gigahertz-Optik - 14KB XLSLot 494 - Apsorberi mikrotalasnog zračenja - 14KB XLSLot 493 - Sistemi za uzorkovanje aerosola - 13KB XLSLot 492 - Sistem za precizno pozicioniranje solarnih kolektora - 14KB XLSLot 491 - Senzori i prateća oprema - 11KB XLSLot 490 - Pneumatika - 14KB XLSLot 489 - Geodetska totalna stanica - 13KB XLSLot 488 - GE Healthcare Dharmacon - 13KB XLSLot 487 - Gazepoint - 13KB XLSLot 486 - Gaskatel - 14KB XLSLot 485 - Fuel Cell Store - 19KB XLSLot 484 - FHR centrotherm - 14KB XLSLot 483 - Extrasynthese - 24KB XLSLot 482 - FESTO - 14KB XLSLot 481 - Faulhaber - 13KB XLSLot 480 - Excelitas - 13KB XLSLot 479 - ETher NDE - 13KB XLSLot 478 - Environmental Devices - 13KB XLSLot 477 - ENDO Pat standard - 13KB XLSLot 476 - Elektrotehničke komponente IV - 49KB XLSLot 475 - Area-Velocity Flow Meter - 13KB XLSLot 474 - Aparati za fiziolosko ispitivanje u medicini sporta - 13KB XLSLot 472 - Uredjaj za merenje gustine kostiju - 13KB XLSLot 471 - Senzori za merenje potresa i pripadajući pribor - 14KB XLSLot 470 - Merac protoka - 13KB XLSLot 469 - Elliot Scientific standard - 13KB XLSLot 468 - Elettrofor - 14KB XLSLot 467 - Elektrotehničke komponente III - 53KB XLSLot 465 - Elabscience -NOS Elisa kitovi - 19KB XLSLot 464 - Elektrotehničke komponente - 35KB XLSLot 463 - Elektronske komponente - 23KB XLSLot 462 - EEG pojačivač i prateća oprema - 13KB XLSLot 461 - EEG oprema - 15KB XLSLot 460 -Edwards standard - 14KB XLSLot 459 -eBioscience Standard - 18KB XLSLot 458 -Dylos - 14KB XLSLot 457 -DV Creator - 10KB XLSLot 456 -Dunkermotoren - 14KB XLSLot 455 -Difuzioni vakuum sistem - 10KB XLSLot 454 -Didaktička sredstva - 14KB XLSLot 453 -Delsys - 14KB XLSLot 452 -Detektor radona - 13KB XLSLot 451 - DENVILLE Scientific - 14KB XLSLot 450 - CuFlon - 11KB XLSLot 449 -Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone - 10KB XLSLot 448 - Brahms - 14KB XLSLot 447 -Servo pojacavac - 13KB XLSLot 446 - Protokomeri - 10KB XLSLot 442 -Citac mikrotitracionih ploca - 10KB XLSLot 441 - Chemyx Standard - 14KB XLSLot 440 - Cheiron - 10KB XLSLot 439 - CERNEX - 13KB XLSLot 438 - Cell Signaling Standard - 20KB XLSLot 437 - Celer - Elisa - 11KB XLSLot 436 - Casella - 15KB XLSLot 435 - Cascade Micotech - 13KB XLSLot 434 - Canberra Pakard - 13KB XLSLot 432 - BuzzMac - 11KB XLSLot 431 - Buxco Research - 10KB XLSLot 430 - Brookfield - 11KB XLSLot 429 - Biosupplies Australia - 11KB XLSLot 428 - Bioseb - 10KB XLSLot 427 - Biologic - 16KB XLSLot 426 -Termostatsko kupatilo za rast kristala-kristalizator - 13KB XLSLot 425 -Opticke komponente - 11KB XLSLot 423 -Dvoosni obrtni sto i obradni motor - 13KB XLSLot 422-Battery analyzer - 13KB XLSLot 421 -Aviva Standard - 16KB XLSLot 420 -Avantes - 14KB XLSLot 419 -Autoklav za HT sintezu - 11KB XLSLot 418 -Audiološka oprema - 13KB XLSLot 417 -ATCC Cell Biology - 18KB XLSLot 416 -Andover - 13KB XLSLot 415 -ANDalyze - 13KB XLSLot 414 -Amtast Standard - 14KB XLSLot 413 -Ametek - 13KB XLSLot 412 -Amel Electrochemistry - 13KB XLSLot 411 -Altechna - 13KB XLSLot 408 -Active Motif - 14KB XLSLot 407 -ACS Material - 13KB XLSLot 406 -Acoem - 14KB XLSLot 405 -Abet - 13KB XLSLot 404 - Ace Automatic Control - 14KB XLSLot 403- Abbot - 14KB
Питања и одговори
PDFPojašnjenje br. 6 - 205KB PDFPojašnjenje br.5 - 218KB PDFPOJAŠNJENJE BR. 4 - 221KB PDFPOJAŠNJENJE BR. 3 - 253KB PDFPojašnjenje br.2 - 229KB
Обавештења о спроведеним поступцима
PDFOdluka o obustavi postupka - 11468KB PDFOdluka o dodeli ugovora - 12171KB
Остале информације
PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 15.03. - 1465KB PDFZapisnik sa otvaranja ponuda 14.03. - 1720KB
IOP/11-2015/G Nabavka softverskih aplikacija za potrebe naučnoistraživačkih organizacija
Povezane vesti  Vesti > Objavljen javni poziv za nabavku potrošnog materijala iz sredstava DMT2

Vesti > Nabavka licenciranog softvera

Vesti > Termin za finalizaciju spiska potrošnog materijala

Vesti > Javna nabavka potrošnog materijala za potrebe naučnoistraživačkih organizacija

Vesti > Stručna ocena pristiglih ponuda

Vesti > Počinje zaključivanje ugovora o isporuci potrošnog materijala

Vesti > Dinamika isporuke potrošnog materijala

Vesti > Raspisivanje tendera za nabavku artikala iz potrošnog materijala koji nisu imali ponuđača u prvom tenderu

Vesti > Objavljen tender za nabavku potrošnog materijala

Vesti > Počela isporuka računara

Vesti > Nabavka MS softvera

Vesti > Produžen rok za naručivanje MS softvera

Vesti > Javna nabavka potrošnog materijala za potrebe naučnoistraživačkih projekata

Vesti > Objavljena evaluacija tendera za potrošni materijal

Vesti > Otvoreni postupak javne nabavke tonera

Vesti > Presek stanja trebovanog materijala iz sredstava DMTII

Vesti > Treći veliki međunarodni tender za nabavku potrošnog materijala objavljen danas
